Sunglow 100% het. RAPTOR pair!!!

Country Gecko

New Member
Here is an actual holdback pair of Sunglow 100% het. RAPTOR leos I am offering for sale. Their father is a 90 gram RAPTOR from ACReptiles and their mothers were holdback TUG 5-star Sunglows hatched from my original "higher-end" 5-star Sunglows I purchased from TUG in "07". Both have put on excellent weight, probably due to their dads size though my Sunglows have great weight too! The male hatched on 6/21/08 and weighs 63 grams and the female hatched on 9/10/08 and weighs 65 grams. The female is the one on the right side in all three pics. Both of them have retained excellent Sunglow coloration even with the RAPTOR outcrossing!

Update....This female just laid her first clutch of eggs yesterday and since I need room I am now asking $200.00 + shipping for the pair!!!

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