Super Raptors vs Diablo Blancos


New Member
Los Angeles, CA
Two almost identical morphs. Whats the difference?
I'm a big fan of white geckos with red eyes so i'm trying to clear up any confusion.

1.) I know when you breed Mack Snows together you get Super Snows, which produce their own form of Eclipse eyes. Breed some Albino into the mix and you'll have Super Snow Albinos, making a nice white gecko with red eyes. Of course this route has no patternless so the geckos can still have light pink or grey markings. Definitely fits into my preferences but how does the difficulty of breeding compare to the Super Raptor or Diablo Blanco?

Which brings me to my next points.
2.) I'm currently breeding Raptors but I'm stuck between two roads: Introduce the Blizzard gene and go the route of Diablo Blanco, or introduce the Mack Snow gene and produce Super Raptors?

I would love to know breeder's experiences breeding Diablos as well as anyone who has bred the Supers! Also any experiences with Blizzards, Raptors, and/or Mack snows would be helpful too.


New Member
United States
Well the obvious difference is genetics.

1.) SSA grow to be white/pink with yellow marks/spotting. The difficulty only comes with your starting genetics. If you have two supers het albino, then it's 50/50 odds that you'll get the SSA. Same can be said with Super RAPTORS. All depends on what you start with. You can breed and get 100% super raptors if you breed super raptor to super raptor. Since DB, SR, and SSA are all genetic, then difficulty is all the same.

2.) Diablo Blanco would be easier, I guess, when working in either snow or blizzard. With snow, you'd have to hit the chances of getting two snows, then breeding the two Mack snows together hitting the odds of getting a super, let alone super raptor. With Diablo blanco, you basically just have to hit the eclipse, tremper, and blizzard odd.
Broken down, assuming you nail the odds first shot, the DB is two steps, and SR is 4 (if my calculations are correct; I'm watching Cops so I'm distracted)

Jared Moore @ Lepo-Gecko
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