Super Snow Albino Male, Snow albino Female, Snow Enigma Female $200 all het BB!

Pacific Gecko

Pacific Gecko
First Picture:
Morph: Super Snow Tremper Albino het Blazing Blizzard
Sex: Male
Weight:16 grams
Hatched: 6/24/10

Second Picture:
Morph: Mack Snow Tremper Albino het Blazing Blizzard
Sex: Female
Weight:19 grams
Hatched: 6/29/10

Third Picture:
Morph: Mack Snow Enigma het Tremper Albino and Blazing Blizzard
Sex: Male
Weight:19 grams
Hatched: 6/1/10

Take the trio for $200 shipped! Shipping may be delayed due to the holidays and the weather.Feel free to ask any question! Available pages just updated, check it out!
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