Can any one tell me what the difference is between meal worms and super worms?
Jun 8, 2012 #1 Cesar_Da_KIng Reptile Enthusiast Messages 334 Location Titusville, Florida Can any one tell me what the difference is between meal worms and super worms?
Jun 8, 2012 #2 J&K's Lemy Kreacher Messages 149 Location South east MO supers get way bigger and move more they are darker in color too
Jun 8, 2012 #3 A arandb New Member Messages 26 Location springfield oregon Super's are bigger and move around alot more for me. They are also alot easier to keep since they won't pupate until u seperate them.
Super's are bigger and move around alot more for me. They are also alot easier to keep since they won't pupate until u seperate them.
Jun 8, 2012 #4 Cesar_Da_KIng Reptile Enthusiast Messages 334 Location Titusville, Florida man this sucks because i have some supers i was breeding that i thought were mealies and was wondering why they are taking so long to all i have to do is seperate them and they will pupate?
man this sucks because i have some supers i was breeding that i thought were mealies and was wondering why they are taking so long to all i have to do is seperate them and they will pupate?
Jun 8, 2012 #5 J&K's Lemy Kreacher Messages 149 Location South east MO yeah you need to remove them into little containers, like those for camera film or Lrg pill bottle and give them no food
yeah you need to remove them into little containers, like those for camera film or Lrg pill bottle and give them no food
Jun 9, 2012 #6 Cesar_Da_KIng Reptile Enthusiast Messages 334 Location Titusville, Florida yeah, thanks, i did it last night after i looked up a how to, so thanks once again
Jun 9, 2012 #7 J&K's Lemy Kreacher Messages 149 Location South east MO it takes a real long time compared to mealies