


since i been having a hard time getting my guy to eat still, i was wondering would it be okay to put a little vitamin suppliment in with the small dish of calcium? was thinking he could at least get his vitamins that way untill he starts eating well.
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Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Is he eating teh calciuma nd not the mealies, you can try to put a few mealies in the cali dish and see if he will eat them that way.

It won't hurt to put vits in teh cali dish as long as you don;t do it every day, a few times a month or once a week is fine.


cool, i put some vites in his dish today and seen him lick at it, since he is still not eating, at least that he has licked the vites and calcium shows some good signs. i think he is finally making himself at home tho. i never seen him so active and about. once i can get him to start eating regularly, things will be great!!!!!


Rob- how are your temps? Is he in glass with a screen top or a rack? Temps can affect eating routines quite a bit. If hes not warm enough to digest the food, he won't even bother eating. Check your ambient temp with a temp gun, not just the temp of the side with the under tank heat. If its a glass tank with a screen top, a lot of heat escapes from the screen top, and can affect the ambient temps. I have one giant gecko in a tank right now awaiting a larger rack. It gets colder in my home at night, so I throw a towel over the top not only to keep slight night heat in, but to also give her darkness when im still awake before going to bed and have a lamp on. This is when she gets her food. Maybe she prefers to eat in darkness with no audience. You could try that- leaving the mealies in a bowl over night. Make sure the bowl is deep enough for them not to escape. And of course, make sure they are very squirmy, as this will attarct him more also.
Good Luck.

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