Survey for school


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I am in a death, dying and grieving class at a school I go to, Lourdes University for those who are curious. For a final project I am putting together a presentation and a survey on how people deal with pet grief. The reason I considered it because I know for some people, including myself, they are very attached to their pets moreso than human counterparts. I know for me if something were to happen to Verde my parrot I would simply fall apart. But this is also a religion class so there are a few questions based upon religion in this survey I am going to post on here. You can feel free not to answer them, however they do not ask you the type of religion you pratice and honestly would relate to the topic.

I also stress....
This is a private questionair and some of the questions people simply dont need to know your answer too, heck I am not even asking for your name on it. I want it to be....
EMAILED TO ME!!!!!!!!!
sorry those are written so obnoxiously but I want people to take note on those requirements. So Mods if you see people posting their answers in here, please do delete them everybody on the forum doesnt need to know their information. And I do ask as many people as possible answer this, I need at least 20 people to participate and she said forums are all good

Again please copy and paste your answers to an email to me and do not post them in here.

When answering the questions, only pick one pet and one person to comment on, having multiples makes it difficult.

You can email me here by hitting the email button or email me at [email protected]


1. What age group do you fall in?
18-25_____ 26-35_____ 36-45_____ 46-55______ 55 and up_____

2. Please circle the appropriate sex: Male Female

3. What is your education level.

High school_____ Bachelors’ degree_____ Masters degree_____ PhD_____

4. Do you belong to a religious denominations? Yes_____ No_____

5. If so, how often do you attend services?

Weekly____ Bi-weekly_____ Monthly_____ Holidays_____ Yearly_____ Never_____

6. Have you ever had a pet die? Yes ________ No ________

7. What type of pet was it?

Dog_____ Cat_____ Bird_____ Small Animal_____ Reptile_____ Other______

If other please specify___________________________________________ _____________

8. Did you do research upon the species/breed before acquiring?

Yes_____ No_____

9. How long was it with you?

0-1yrs_____ 2-5yrs_____ 5-10yrs_____ 11-15yrs_____ 16yrs+_____

10. How long has it been since it has died?

Less than 1 year_____ 1-2yrs_____ 3-5yrs_____ 6yrs+_____

11. Do you still think of them often? Yes_____ No_____

12. Was its passing due to natural aging process, or was it unexpected?

Natural_____ Unexpected_____

13. If the death was unexpected, was it avoidable?

Yes_____ No_____

14. Did you experience any of the following? (choose as many that apply)

Insomnia_____ Loss of appetite_____ Over eating_____ Illness_____

Anxious_____ Guilt_____ Separation anxiety_____ Sadness_____

Daily ritual disruption_____ None of the above_____

15. Did you seek help with your grief? (choose as many that apply)

Counseling_____ Support group_____ Focus on remaining pets_____

Get a new pet_____ Volunteering with rescues_____

Educating others on animal care_____ None of the above_____

16. If you could do anything differently would you, or are you content with how things worked out?

Yes I would have done something different_____

No I am content with how things worked out_____

If yes, please state what you may have done differently.

17. Do you/ did you have any other pets? Yes_____ No_____

18. If yes are they the same type of animal as the deceased pet? Example: Birds of any species would
be answered as “Yes”.

Yes_____ No_____

19. Do you keep any animals that there little is known about in terms of husbandry and/or are rarely
(or completely) missing in literature?

Yes_____ No_____

Did you learn anything through this experience?

20. Have you had a person close to you die? Yes _______ No _______

21. What was your relationship to this individual? ___________________________

22. . How long has it been since they have died?

Less than 1 year_____ 1-2yrs_____ 3-5yrs_____ 6yrs+_____

22. Do you still think of them often? Yes_____ No_____

23. Was their passing anticipated because of illness or was it unexpected?

Anticipated_____ Unexpected_____

24. If the death was unexpected, was it avoidable?

Yes_____ No_____

25. Did you experience any of the following? (choose as many that apply)

Insomnia_____ Loss of appetite_____ Over eating_____ Illness_____

Anxious_____ Guilt_____ Separation anxiety_____ Sadness_____

Daily ritual disruption_____ None of the above_____

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