Switching to mealworms


New Member
So I've got new 4 new AFTs last week (already had one),
All of them were previously on mealworms and mine was only being fed crickets.

So I've decided to ditch the crickets and go with mealworms all together
but they don't seem too crazy about eating them at the moment.

I mean they do poo, and they do eat it, but just very little.

I know it takes time for them to settle in to get back to normal,
is there anything I can do?

P.S. all of them are being separately quarantined

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
there is really no trick to switching to Mealworms. They either do or they don't. I tried switching them over to worms and some loved them some didn't even look at them. So i just switched to crickets permanently. Most Fat Tailed Geckos are picky eaters.

GL with the switch!



Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
supposedly a lizard will eat whatever it is provided when it gets hungry enough.

that said i have a female that just will not eat meal worms no matter what.

so i culture both dubia and mealworms.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
We have two that utterly refuse to eat anything but crickets... We actually tried tricking them once by forcep feeding them crickets and then rubbing a mealworm in cricket juice and tried feeding them that. BOTH of them bit it and spit it out like it was garbage... little stinkers...


New Member
Spanish Fork Utah
We have had some success making the switch by jump starting their feeding with crickets and then throwing in a mealie. Do that a few times and slowly use less crickets and more mealies. Same for Wax worms. Once they get the taste of them, especially wax worms, they eat them up!


This is so interesting to me because I have three AFTs...one that I have had for a bit and two that are rehomed so new to me. My first one has been eating dubia without any issue and also seems happy with the crickets I have offered her the last few days but the new-to-me ones seems super picky. The female new one can super skinny...much too skinny IMO...and she has been absolutely chowing down since I got her on crickets...she is eating somewhere in the range of 20-30 1/4 inch crickets a day (I know she could eat larger but that is what I bought cause I wasn't sure how long it would take us to go through them and I didn't want any adult chirpers around ever-LOL) and she will eat dubia but much less enthusiastically. The male who came quite fat hadn't been eating here at all...he shows no interest in crickets at all and little in dubia...I finally through in a superworm for them to try (I had been nervous cause they seem big for a fat tail to me even though I know it is OK) and he lunged for it...he ate 3 and was good to go. I guess I am learning their preferences but I had no idea they were going to be so picky-LOL! None of mine seem to love mealworms so far but it is all the leopards seem to eat around here....


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