Mack Leo Boy
I may be planning on buying this ghttp://geckoforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=3511&stc=1&d=1167865263ecko. But does it have a tail kink?
It isn't favored for breeding purposes because it doesn't look good compared to one without a kink. Aside from that, they make great pets.tdemp said:is there anything wrong with a gecko having a kinked tail?
Kotsay1414 said:It isn't favored for breeding purposes because it doesn't look good compared to one without a kink. Aside from that, they make great pets.
420 -
That's a beautiful snow, sorry about the kink.
420Geckos said:Thanks! I may use him as a breeder, but I really don't want it passed on to his offspring so... Anybody know if this is genetic?
BalloonzForU said:It can be caused from linebreeding without outcrossing, and sometimes due to a mishap in incubation, and maybe mom's overall health while developing the eggs.
Tail kinks in patternless are genetic.
420Geckos said:So you're pretty much saying that tail kinking isn't genetic, but likely caused from external factors? Would you use him as a breeder?