Take a look and tell me what this is please!


New Member
United States
I found this white "thing" tonight when I was looking through the fridge mealies, I had just taken them out to warm up and eat.
I've looked at I don't know how many websites about mealworm breeding, including here, and it kinda looks like those pupa (that's what it's called, right? before they turn into darkling beetles?). Is that what it is? It was almost done shedding (molting?) when I found it, and it really stood out because it's so chunky, with a big head.

So after everything I've read over the last hour or so, I still feel clueless. Please tell me if I made any mistakes: I took that white thingie out and put it in a separate, smaller container, with just insect chow (from Rainbow Mealworms), no chicken feed or anything else, and then I put a slice of carrot on top.

The thingie was wiggling in my hand when I took the pics, but now in the container it hasn't moved. Do they normally move?

The container is sitting on my kitchen counter. Good place?

And one more question, how come the fridge mealies are shedding (molting?) like crazy, getting bigger and fatter all the time, and the ones I left out on the counter to hopefully use for breeding don't do much of anything? Same container (the fridge one is bigger though), same bedding of insect chow and chicken feed, carrots on top. I thought this was supposed to be the other way around?

And lastly, sorry the pics are so big, but I figured it makes it easier to see that thing.

Pupa 1.JPG Pupa 2.JPG


New Member
Las vegas, Nevada
that would be a mealworm pupae alright! they do wiggle a lot, especially when they're fresh. it will hatch in a week or two into a beetle. you don't need to give it carrots, as pupae don't eat. its fine on the counter as long as its room temperature or so (it'll grow quicker in warmer places along with the mealworms btw) it'll turn darker when it is ready to change into a beetle, and then you can breed the beetles in a separate container! I hope this helps! btw, do you want some pictures? I have mealworms in every stage of life, and I could get some pics for you.


New Member
United States
Yes please, that would be wonderful! Most websites show pictures of the mealworm, then the pupae, and then the beetle.

Thank you for the information, I was wondering if it was going to eat at all.


New Member
United States
We have another one! This one came from the "counter mealies". It's not that clear in my pic, but the first one has turned a light brown, while the new one is pretty much see through. This is so fascinating!


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