Taking care of my new dubia roach colony


New Member
I just received a full dubia colony setup to start breeding for my leo for 40$. I got the container, heat lamp w/ dimmer, 5 egg flats and 40 sub-adults. The humidity is 40-50 when I mist, and temps. are 88* F. over the egg flats. I have 3 little trays full of ground up dog food, water crystals and the last one has carrots, romaine, and orange slices. Some people have said to have a ratio of 1:3-1:5, and remove any extra males because they just eat your food. I haven't counted the ratio but is that somewhat important for breeding? How does this setup sound? So far only one has shed, and I've only seen like 6 eating so far. Do they need time to settle in before eating? I only got them two days ago.

Here's a couple pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ls4vkqsehamzb5i/DomNwKrYUD

SC Geckos

New Member
The heat lamp is not a good idea for dubias. Like most roaches they do not like the light at all. The darker you can keep them the better. An under tank heater is the best way to heat the colony. I also would not recommend any misting. This will encourage mold growth, especially with the cardboard egg flats. An outbreak of mold can quickly kill your colony. Just provide fresh fruits and veggies for moisture water crystals.
As far as the male to female ratio, it is not very important but a 1:5 IMO is ideal.


New Member
The heat lamp is not a good idea for dubias. Like most roaches they do not like the light at all. The darker you can keep them the better. An under tank heater is the best way to heat the colony. I also would not recommend any misting. This will encourage mold growth, especially with the cardboard egg flats. An outbreak of mold can quickly kill your colony. Just provide fresh fruits and veggies for moisture water crystals.
As far as the male to female ratio, it is not very important but a 1:5 IMO is ideal.

The bulb I use puts out barely any light, and I only mist the sides. If i don't mist, it stays around 30% humidity.

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