Well, I cannot remember who gave me help when I asked about this a few years ago but I was told:
Look at it this way, leos are pretty low down on the food chain in the wild and if "something" that much bigger than you reached over, you'd probably freak too. Keep trying a little at a time and once they figure out you are not going to kill and eat them they will settle down.
I handle all of my leos all of the time, some take to it better than others but they all adjust in time.
what if the leo just tries to rum away all the time... I just want to pick mine up to help him with his shedding and of course when I have to move him to clean his cage.. is there anything I could do?
I was told this when I was new:
Place your hand inside the cage flat to the cage bottom with your palm up. Just leave it there, do not try and pick him up or startle him. If he doesn't come out thats fine, just try everynight until he slowly starts to come out. I did it after the cleaning and all that stuff so that I didn't disrupt him more after I was done trying to handle him. Eventually he will come up and lick your hand. I did this for about a month straight, everynight the same thing and then one night it was like a switch. My females just started crawling all over me and now my fiance can get them to sit on his shoulders when he is on the computer. It's worth a try. Good luck!
..for the very hard geckos i use a special kind of manipolation.
i pic up them buy a paper towel (over my hand, under the gecko) so they can't see the hand like an enemy (because they can only see the paper towel) and i use the other hand for help them to return to the tank..
in this way they can't take the bad habit to bite.
generally in one week they see the hand like the "bridge" for return home
wow thats an iteresting why to do it, I was just trying the hand in the tank method and he actually came out and licked my hand. but when I went to move it a bit he ran back in his hide box.