Taming Question


New Member
Lexington, Kentucky
I have a very young juvenile leopard gecko and am worrying about nearly everything as I am a first time reptile owner. :)
I'm using paper towels as subtrate, but I've found that he hides underneath them for sleeping and when stressed. He has two hides (one on the warm/hot and one on the cool end) and loves them at night generally, but he hides under the paper towels anytime he is frightened. Due to this, I'm having a hard time taming. I read different things everywhere on how to begin taming, so I'm hoping for good advice here. I have let him get comfortable with my hand to sit next to, but he is skittish. He's been held a bit, but not very much as he gets jumpy and waves his tail in the air.
Is daily handling still recommended? If I should handle daily, how do I get around the hiding/fear? I'm worried I'll scare him too much.
He's been eating very well and is healthy. I'm just hoping he will turn out people-friendly.
Many thanks in advance!


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
first off, take a deep breath.... :)

if you just got him, give him some time to settle in. geckos can be very skittish when young. if he's still a baby or young juvenile, i wouldn't expect him to be your best friend just yet. as they get older, they become more tolerable to handling, but i don't believe any reptile can be what we consider "tame". some just don't have an issue with being handled as much as others. let him settle in for a couple of weeks and pick him up when you are cleaning, moving stuff around, etc. i only use paper towels as substrate and still have some of my adults that like to get under the paper towels. if it makes them feel secure, shouldn't be a problem. it's just going to take time and you working with him. but he'll get there


BABIES, Ahhhhhh YES.

I have a very young juvenile leopard gecko and am worrying about nearly everything as I am a first time reptile owner. :)
I'm using paper towels as subtrate, but I've found that he hides underneath them for sleeping and when stressed. He has two hides (one on the warm/hot and one on the cool end) and loves them at night generally, but he hides under the paper towels anytime he is frightened. Due to this, I'm having a hard time taming. I read different things everywhere on how to begin taming, so I'm hoping for good advice here. I have let him get comfortable with my hand to sit next to, but he is skittish. He's been held a bit, but not very much as he gets jumpy and waves his tail in the air.
Is daily handling still recommended? If I should handle daily, how do I get around the hiding/fear? I'm worried I'll scare him too much.
He's been eating very well and is healthy. I'm just hoping he will turn out people-friendly.
Many thanks in advance!

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It's just a matter of satisfying that the
"Giant Human Predator" is not so.
Never too early for that here.
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Take care. Hj






New Member
Lexington, Kentucky
first off, take a deep breath.... :)

if you just got him, give him some time to settle in. geckos can be very skittish when young. if he's still a baby or young juvenile, i wouldn't expect him to be your best friend just yet. as they get older, they become more tolerable to handling, but i don't believe any reptile can be what we consider "tame". some just don't have an issue with being handled as much as others. let him settle in for a couple of weeks and pick him up when you are cleaning, moving stuff around, etc. i only use paper towels as substrate and still have some of my adults that like to get under the paper towels. if it makes them feel secure, shouldn't be a problem. it's just going to take time and you working with him. but he'll get there

*deep breath is finally taken* lol

Thank you. That makes me feel much better. I'm glad to hear that it's okay to give it some time.


Leopard Gecko Planet
That was an amazing video. You really provided some a great example of how to hand tame your gecko. Only 4 days old and what a cutie pie! And she had a great appetite too!

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