Tang Kitty!


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
This is Tang. She has adopted us. :) She's such a sweet kitty! Someone had her fixed (hence the clipped ear), but she was a stray and we started to gain her trust a little while back. Now she is so sweet! She plays with our dog Sonny too!

nap time!


bird hunting

How cute!


my favorite:


I LOVE cats! What a beautiful girl she is... i just love her!

good for you guys too for adopting her, I'm glad she has a loving home! :)


Aw, she looks so content. Some of those pictures are too cute! :)


New Member
Weymouth MA
"hence the clipped ear"? I really hope this means it's alley cat damage & not something else.

She is beautiful. We have a crew of ferrel cats living on the marsh out front. One is similar in color to her, but has copper eyes. It looks like your gal is already settled in & quite content.


New Member
Savannah, GA
She's gorgeous! I love those eyes and she just looks so happy :) not to mention those are some really good pictures, especially the third one down.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
moosassah said:
"hence the clipped ear"? I really hope this means it's alley cat damage & not something else.

She is beautiful. We have a crew of ferrel cats living on the marsh out front. One is similar in color to her, but has copper eyes. It looks like your gal is already settled in & quite content.

Around here, when someone takes a ferrel cat into the vet to get fixed, they clip the ear while the cat is sedated to show that the cat has been fixed. That way the animal control doesn't pick them up. :)


malt_geckos said:
Around here, when someone takes a ferrel cat into the vet to get fixed, they clip the ear while the cat is sedated to show that the cat has been fixed. That way the animal control doesn't pick them up. :)

That is actually a good idea. We moved a year and a half ago and I think one of my males was picked up by animal control. Both of my males are/were fixed with current shots and they never go very far or cause any trouble. They are inside/outside, but we never leave them out very long. My dark tabby went missing a month after we moved and it wasnted until he was gone over a week that I started to think animal control picked him up. We have a lot of strays around, and I think certain people probably complain about them a lot, so I really feel that mine was probably mistaken for a stray.

If we had a system like this, it might have prevented my Marley from disappearing. It might seem cruel to clip an ear, but it would certainly prevent some worse things from happening. I've even heard of some people around here shooting feril cats. I know some people would say that they just wouldn't let their cats out, but we do not live in a city and cats actually starting behaving a lot better after they were allowed to go out and enjoy life. It gave them a better quality of life and also keeps them healthier.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Yeah, we live in the suburb area and there are a lot of strays around. The ear is clipped during sedation and they clip in where there are no veins or anything in the ear.


why dont you just put a collar on the cat? i understand the danger in a collar in that it may get stuck on a fence or something, but i have an old cat, about 17 yrs old. shes mainly an outside cat, tho shes extremely spoiled now and think she owns the inside even tho my mom and i are allergic to her.
but she had flea and tick collars when she was younger and capable of roaming the streets. we kept them pretty loose fitting. she could slip out of them in case she were to get herself into any trouble. it kept fleas and ticks off her, for a time at least and keeps her from being picked up by officials.
they're fairly cheap from walmart and show that they belong to someone. when she comes home without one we just slide another on her.
that way you dont have to clip off any part of the animal other than her members.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Well, we didn't have her fixed, it was someone else. And the collars would be too dangerous especially with hunting cats like the strays. They would get caught in things. The collars will also get too tight as the cat grows and gains weight. The collar can imbed into the cats neck causing severe infection and death. THe ear thing doesn't hurt them, they're out of it from the anesthetic. And they have a certain type of liquid stitch they put on it so it heals without having to have stiches removed.


thats why you keep the collar loose. if shes a pet now then it shouldnt be too hard to check the collar and make sure it stays loose. i know the clipping doesnt hurt them, i have an aussie whos tail was chopped when she was a puppy, i just dont like the idea of cropping things on animals. if i had my way my dog would still have her tail. i know it wasnt you that did it and its not inhumane, i just dont like the look of a half eared cat. its just weird to me.


New Member
very nice, my aunt is nuts about cats and i like to go hunting, so i gotta be careful but a cat doesnt look like any other animal really if you pay attention, but i cant have any traps out.( there is a 20 acre woods behind my house) My aunt lives next door and has 17 of those cats!!!!!!!! GREAT pictures and cat.


She is soooooooooo sweet!!
Great pics too!!

I have some Orange tabbies too and they are so affectionate


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