Tang Tremper Jungle Female

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
I have this young Tang Tremper Jungle (66% pos het RAPTOr) up for adoption. I just weighed her yesterday, and she's up to 33 grams. She hatched this summer, back in July. And of all the Tremper Jungles I hatched out this year, her coloration is for sure the best.

As you can see, she's got what I'd call a moderate tail kink. And for this reason, I'd prefer she go to a good home as a "Pet Only" gecko. She feeds well on primarily mealworms, and is otherwise happy, healthy, and a real sweetheart. Because I'd request she remain "Pet Only", I'm only asking that you pay the cost of shipping. Here's a picture that was just taken yesterday.


Feel free to PM me if you're interested. Thanks for looking! :)

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