[1C]Super hypo tangerine X Snow SPLIT Super snow = .
Snow SPLIT Super snow.
[1C]Hypo snow SPLIT Super snow.
A percent of offspring will likely be influanced by tangerine,carrottail.
A percent of hypo type offspring will likley mature into Super hypo.
[2C]Super hypo tangerine X Snow SPLIT Super snow = .
[1C]Hypo snow SPLIT Super snow.
A percent of offspring will likely be influanced by tangerine,Carrottail.
A percent of hypo type offspring will likley mature into Super hypo.
[1C]Super hypo tangerine X [1C]Snow = .
[1CH,1CS]Hypo snow.
A percent of offspring will likely be influanced by tangerine,Carrottail.
A percent of hypo type offspring will likley mature into Super hypo.
[2C]Super hypo tangerine X [1C]Snow = .
[1CH,1CS]Hypo snow.
A percent of offspring will likely be influanced by tangerine,Carrottail.
A percent of hypo type offspring will likley mature into Super hypo.
[1C]Super hypo tangerine X [2C]Snow = .
[1CH,1CS]Hypo snow.
A percent of offspring will likely be influanced by tangerine,carrottail.
A percent of hypo type offspring will likley mature into Super hypo.
[1C]Super hypo tangerine X [1C]Snow = .
[1CH,1CS]Hypo snow.
A percent of offspring will likely be influanced by tangerine,Carrottail.
A percent of hypo type offspring will likley mature into Super hypo.