Tank height, etc


New Member
My boyfriend and I are pretty handy with construction projects, and we took two old 20 gal long tanks and turned them into a much higher single tank. We were going to get a Mountain Horned Dragon, but that didn't work out. We have two friendly 3-yr old female geckos in a 40 gal breeder, and we love them.

If we wanted more leopard geckos, would the taller tank be okay? Maybe with a special ramp system and heat tape on the sides to keep the higher levels the right temp? Or would it be better to go with a crested gecko, with such a high tank? I know they need special food, different humidity, and temps. Anyone have both, and could say if crested are as friendly? Our current geckos come out often, they'll climb right on our hands and lean into any petting.


New Member
Leopard geckos need floor space not height at all, so go with a crested or buy a new tank. Cresteds are very cool geckos too!


New Member
Milford PA
I agree. Go with the crested. I baby sat one a few times for a friend. Really sweet lizard. And with a high tank like that you could get some really nice fake plants. They have fake tree's that would work for a tank that height. And set up small water bowls higher up. They sell those. They got suction cups.


New Member
Ok, I kinda figured, but thought I'd check. Thank you for the quick answers! I'm disabled, and love pets, but can't keep anything that isn't 100% hypo-allergenic. Can't tell you how much it helps to sit and read with a beardie or leo on my shoulder, I swear it eases the pain a bit. That's why the handling and friendly parts are important.

Right now, we've got 2 beardies and 2 leos. And they get a LOT of attention. Spoiled rotten, the lot of 'em. lol But I've been doing a lot better, and am feeling like having another little guy to spoil.


Ridgewood, NJ
I met cresteds for the first time at a recent reptile expo and they were so cool! They are fine living at room temperature, have the coolest little toes, feel super soft, and eat powdered fruit mush (repashy makes it). I seriously had to drag myself away without taking one home :p I would totally check them out and see if they're for you!! :)


New Member
Leopard geckos love to climb, but they don't always take the safest route down. Cresties are cute :)

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