Tell tail signs she's getting ready to lay?

Sleep Eurydice

New Member
I got a male and female 2 1/2 weeks ago. They were co-habbed by the previous owner but were separated when I got them. I was told that she had not long finished laying when I bought them and I think she may be gravid again. Are there any tell tail signs that she'll be getting ready to lay? Other than digging in her damp hide.


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
1. She'll go off food 1-3 days before laying
2. She'll seem restless (walking around a lot even during the day)
3. digging up the lay box. They could do this 1-5 days before laying

This is just from my observation. I'm sure others will chime with is similar experiences or more.


Desert Foothills
They act a lot like any other animal about to give birth. My female just laid her first clutch (that I've been able to catch since spending a month in the hospital) today and was acting fine until last night. Then she started digging and pacing. She even dug at her papertowels. This morning I got up and she was still pacing, left for a few hours, and when I got back walla! two perfect eggs stuck to the side of her lay box. You'll know when she's ready if you observe her normal daily behaviour.

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