Tell us a story


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I have a sweet little super snow girl alost a year old. My only enigma. When I saw her and fell in love with her exquisite beauty, and had to investigate this enigma syndrome many have questioned. Seeing her circle in the deli cup could have been just the stress of being at a show. Well it wasn't, and she shows full blown syndrome. I'm okay with the fact she cannot be bred.

Her name is Lena, inspired from her cute little head tilt. She is comical to watch. Hand feeding is an adventure. She's a superworm killer! When other leos are being fed, Lena will poke her head out of her hide, tilting and with her eyes saying, is it time for my worm yet? She gets excited when the worm is coming close to her. One night she backed her feet into the hide and lunged. Missed. Darn it! So digging in for a good foot grip Lena went at it again. It was not getting away this time! She grabbed it, rolled completely over, and back on her feet again with worm in mouth. Touchdown! Gobblegobble and it's down for 7 points. She was so pleased with herself, and promptly came out to be petted. Naturally the camera was in another room.

What are some of your gecko's antics that make you laugh? Feel free to post pics of the captured moment :)


New Member
One of our little fatty girls, Bruna, has a 2 story rock hide. She is sort of lazy so when u put mealies in her dish she just kind of hangs out of the hide and grabs worms. Only problem is she is a little too chubby to pull her body back up so she always ends up sliding off into her dish.


New Member
Northeast USA
Back when my gecko, Hide, was just a little juvenile he would climb on his paper towel rolls. He kept growing, but the rolls didn't, and eventually he'd try to climb on top and the paper towel roll would tip on top of him. I remember a few times he'd chirp at the roll while still scrambling to climb on top of it. This is from back when he was still small enough to make it to the top.

He still hasn't learned that he's a big boy. He tries to fit in to places way to small for him.

Despite his size he is still quite acrobatic. That's the thermometer cable he's trying to climb up.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
not much of a story but one of my geckos seems to sleep standing up, as if he's just been walking and stopped then fell asleep on the spot without even laying down.
i dont think i have any pics of him actually doing this but i have one similar:

its hard to believe he IS ACTUALLY asleep in all these lol. I even cruelly woke him up to make sure he was still alive at the time because he just sleeps so weirdly lol.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
not much of a story but one of my geckos seems to sleep standing up, as if he's just been walking and stopped then fell asleep on the spot without even laying down.
i dont think i have any pics of him actually doing this but i have one similar:

its hard to believe he IS ACTUALLY asleep in all these lol. I even cruelly woke him up to make sure he was still alive at the time because he just sleeps so weirdly lol.

Can leos suffer narcolepsy?


New Member
My little TUG snow enigma, Cheza, will egerly await the cage door to open. She "lurks" in the shadows of the cage and once the door opens she "creeps" to you as if she's gonna eat you once to the door she walks out onto your leg, up your shirt and onto your shoulder where she'll chill till the others are fed, then demand to be fed herself. She doesnt miss, nor show signs of the enigma but when she stricks and gets her worm or cricket she holds it tight for a good minute before killing it/swollowing. Dunno why she waits but she does.

Then my SHTCTB girlie waits for the light to come on and she'll try to attack you throw the glass(your shadow) thinking its food. She's ALWAYS hungry and doesnt care what she gets lol bugs or shadows...or fingers=-= thankfully tho she doesnt break skin! least my skin.

pic below giving me the "is it time to be taken out" look.


Chicagoland IL
My first gecko (formerly known as Lyra) lives in his secure little (split 20L) world. A coconut and plastic strawberry for hides. Water. Food/calcium dish and paper towel substrate. All is well until it is cleaning time. When I take the paper towels out, he can see through the bottom of the tank and obsessively needs to investigate the phenomenon of "below." He'll look down, try to dig, taste, investigate, etc. The only place he can't see through is where the heat mat is. Quickly it's time to put new towels in. But this doesn't deter the little guy. He tries to dig them up to see the underneath things. After a cleaning like that, he spends all night inspecting his surroundings, obsessed with what he's seen. I like to imagine that he's becoming a conspiracy theorist in his spare time, trying to unravel the mystery of that underneath world.


Winchester, UK
my oldest gecko is a male called sausage :) he has five girl friends!! :p
I had kept them apart for a few months this year to give the girls a rest from him, the other day i got them all out for a run im my hallway as they seem to rele enjoy seeing each other. sausage thought it was christmas and proceded to go check out each female one at a time doing his little "hey baby wont some lovin" dance lol it was soo funny! XD but poor sausage got shot down each time :( so he creeped off into a corner to sulk. just like a man with his ego shot to pieces poor thing!! wos so cute i had to pick him up for a cuddle to make him feel better :p

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