Temp prob on rack system..


New Member
Blacksburg, Virginia
Hey guys,

I am having issues keeping stabilized temps under my tubs. Granted I live in a fairly drafty trailer at the moment but the rack is on a shelf inside a cabinet so it should hold heat better. Currently I have the probe taped directly onto the heat tape on the second shelf. Where do you guys keep your sensors?

SC Geckos

New Member
I keep my probes mounted in the center of the heat tape (directly on the heat tape) on the middle shelf of all my racks. the top shelf stays a degree or so warmer and the bottom shelf stays a degree or so cooler but I have found this works best.


New Member
Blacksburg, Virginia
Thanks Brad. This is where I have mine situated right now. I have it taped down with aluminum tape and I'm starting to wonder if that is hold too much heat to the sensor and that is why my rheostat isn't cycling enough.

SC Geckos

New Member
Thanks Brad. This is where I have mine situated right now. I have it taped down with aluminum tape and I'm starting to wonder if that is hold too much heat to the sensor and that is why my rheostat isn't cycling enough.

A rheostat will not cycle. The only thing it does is regulate the amount of voltage that goes to the heater. I assume since it has a temp probe that it is a thermostat because I have never seem a rheostat with a probe. (but I could be wrong) What kind of thermostat are you using?

Also I failed to mention that on a few of the thermostat probes I have had came with a suction cup attached to the sensor which I removed so the sensor made direct contact with the heat tape. I also cover the side of the sensor that is not contacting the heat tape with foam insulation. The kind you can buy at any home improvement store to go around plumbing pipes.


New Member
Blacksburg, Virginia
Well it definitely isn't a thermostat. I was looking into getting one but this semester of school was a bit more costly then I expected. Its a Zoomed Rheostat. What I meant by cycle was that the sensor was staying warmer then I would like so the rheostat wasn't turning on when it should.

SC Geckos

New Member
Well it definitely isn't a thermostat. I was looking into getting one but this semester of school was a bit more costly then I expected. Its a Zoomed Rheostat. What I meant by cycle was that the sensor was staying warmer then I would like so the rheostat wasn't turning on when it should.

Yeah that was what I was saying about a rheostat not turning off and on. The only way you can adjust it is to turn it higher or lower. This is the bad part about dimmers and rheostats, unless your room is always a constant temp there is no real way to adjust it for a constant temp. I would suggest getting an actual thermostat that senses the temp and will cycle on and off as needed. There is a cheap one that I had heard alot of people using. I think it is called Hydro Farm. (I may be wrong) I have reads that you can but one for around $20 - $30. I have no experience with this product but me personally, I would spend a little more and get something that is actually designed for reptiles. I have had a thermostat I purchased from Big Apple Herp several years ago and it works great. I have never had a single issue with it. I believe last time I was on there site it was the only one they sell.

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