Temperature and lighting question



I got my AFT habitat set up with the humid hide, water bowl, under tank heater and two digital thermometers, one on each end of the tank. I am using newspaper as the substrate. The UTH is hooked to a rheostat control which I have set at about medium and is installed under the tank not on the side. It's one of the zoo med controls. I still don't have a gecko yet. Supposed to get one next week at a reptile show.

After a few hours I checked the temp. 77.1* on the heater end and 74* on the opposite end. This is not warm enough from what i have read, so I still have a 50W infrared and a 60W ceramic heater that I can use. The surface of the tank above where the heater is installed is quite warm to the touch, not uncomfortably hot, but very warm to my touch. I am wondering if it would be to much on the hot end if the surface is very warm as it is and I add the infrared or ceramic heater to get the air temps into the upper 80's. Most of what I have read in terms of temperatures seems to be talking about the air temp in the enclosure, not surface temps where heaters may be located and where the gecko may be crawling.

The humidity measures at 67%.

Last question, I am also wondering if ambient light in my room is enough light during the day. I could add an incandescent light which would provide heat as well. I already have a fixture and a light. I would just prefer to use the ambient light if possible. Most of what I have read says this should be OK because these guys are nocturnal anyway, but I haven't really seen anything that directly answers my question.


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
ambient light is your room is probably fine during the day. its hard to say without knowing exactly how bright your room is. you just need enough light to give your gecko a day/night cycle.

ignore air temp (mostly) and focus on *surface temp inside of the hot hide*. if your temp on the floor of the hot hide is around 85 you are fine.


Thank you! It's pretty light in my room. I have windows facing the east and south, while there is no direct sunlight on the habitat, it's still pretty bright even with the vertical blinds shut.

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