The beginning of the end of my social life...


New Member
So, my Oklahoma State University vet school orientation starts tomorrow!

I'm really excited about it for the following reasons:
- This is the fulfillment of a dream that I have been chasing since I was six years old.
- I finally get to take classes that will almost all be interesting to me!
- I'm that much closer to becoming a veterinarian.
- My boyfriend is in the same vet class as me, which should be tons of fun (encouragement and good study partner)
- I plan on making lots of really great memories!

I'm dreading it because:
- I have heard tons of horror stories about vet school from other vet students.
- I apparantly need to resign from all social activities for the next four years and consider myself to be an indentured slave to the vet college for that period of time. Hmmm... doesn't sound like fun.

We'll see, maybe I've prepared myself well enough in undergrad. I took 22 hours last semester (including mammalian physiology, biochemistry, animal reproduction, and my honor's thesis, among others), so compared to that vet school may not be half bad!


New Member
Central California
That is really exciting, Alicia!! I'm sure you will have a wonderful time!! Hopefully, you'll be able to take the occasional break & visit us once in a while! :)


New Member
Congrats! I used to want the same thing when I was a kid. As I grew up I realized I was not smart enough to make it through vet school. lol I then decided to take a vet tech course that I never finished....
Congrats on making it this far. It's a lot of work but I'm sure you will make your dream a reality. I'm sure it will be really fun having your boyfriend in your class too! Just don't let him distract you too much from your work lol!


You'll be fine. You've got a great foundation with your undergrad work.


New Member
Thanks guys. First day of orientation went well - we actually spent half the day playing "team building" games... kind of like grade school, lol. It was fun, and I enjoyed meeting some of my classmates (it'll take a while before I can remember all 80 of them!)

I'll do my best to still check in every once in a while; I don't want to stay away too much! ;) And yes, lol, I'll have to avoid being distracted by my boyfriend, but he's actually a great study partner most of the time. We work together well and do a pretty good job of holding each other accountable to our school work. :)

Stress-management courses tomorrow should be interesting...


New Member
Just thought I'd let you guys know I survived my first semester of vet school! I haven't been on here hardly at all because I've been so swamped with schoolwork. All of the horror stories were true, lol, but it's OK, I'll still survive. My life has gotten immeasurably better now that I no longer have to deal with a certain Anatomy anti-teacher. He about drove me insane last semester.

In contrast, my teachers this semester (with one exception, but hey, it couldn't be perfect) are wonderful. My General Pathology profs have a rock band called AC/VP (American College of Veterinary Pathology, hahaha) in which they play old rock songs with vet pathology lyrics to them. It's freakin' hilarious. They actually stood up in front of our vet class last week and played on two electrics and a bass and made the 2nd year vet students next door mad because they were disrupting class.

If you have free time and want to watch my professors sing a song about edema to the tune of "Paranoia"...

Anyway, miss you guys!


CONGRATS on making it through your first semester!!

You Go Girl!!

:main_thumbsup: :main_thumbsup: :main_thumbsup: :main_thumbsup:​

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