The HerpetoCulture of Leopard Geckos


New Member
Fascinating book.
Someone on here recommended it and I ordered it immediately.
I've read a few chapters.

Interesting Items:

Play (silica) sand: Benefits=attractive, inexpensive, easy to replace. Problems=Low chance of impaction, difficult to heat

Limestone/Calci sands: attractive and can provide a source of calcium. Problems= possible risk of impaction particularly in smaller leopard geckos

Clay containing soils: natural looking, hardpan surface. Problems=fine dust can stick to skin

Sandy soil (2/3 sand): Benefits: grow plants directly in substrate soil reduces sand ingested during feeding. Problems=Can p rovide too soft of a surface and should be combined with flat rock areas

Stone slab: Benefits= Attractive and easy to clean. Problems=Cannot be heated with a subtank heater and will require overhead heat source.

"Best Display SUbstrate" - Sand and stone slab

(hatchlings + females) [Huddleson Experiment] - very little signs of cannibalism - some tail loss, some limb loss - attributed to feeding response - not cannibalism

Multi Generational Vivarium [Huddleson Experiment] - Geckos were put in a natural sand/stone slab vivarium with moist egg laying areas - laid eggs - eggs were not removed - eggs hatched - babies grew up and bred in the same enclosure. All geckos did fine - at one point it held 18 geckos including 3 males.

Female to male ratio probably hints the eggs were incubated at lower tempatures - which could hint at why the males were not aggressive.

Anyways - just some interesting things I found - wanted to share them with you guys. This book has been great so far - lots of interesting information and thought provoking experiments.

The Herpetoculture of Leopard Geckos - Philippe de Vosjoli & Ron Tremper


New Member
Elgin, Tx
Stone slab: Benefits= Attractive and easy to clean. Problems=Cannot be heated with a subtank heater and will require overhead heat source.

Granted I've only had my Griff since June and my daughter just got Pepper a month ago, but both tanks have slate tile. I would think that's pretty close to stone slab, and it heats just fine for us with a UTH. And yes I find it PERFECT for a quick wipe with a wet paper towel clean up.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
Could have been me who recommended it, ive recommended it all over the place on here recently, dont want to steal someone else's credit if it wasn't me lol :p

But yeh its awesome book, I've even read all the chapters i dont need to know, like choosing the right gecko and stuff lol.


New Member
me too - quite good so far, ive read through 2 chapters - the first one multiple times - some of the experiments are very interesting,.

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