the male


New Member
how old/heavy should he be in order to mate? i put him in with a female and he imediately started to court her but i didn’t let them mate yet. are there any dangers if the male is a bit too young? is it true that they can become infertile if you breed them too young? if yes, what are the chances? he is 7.9 inches long


New Member
White Bear Lake, MN
I usually just pair my males with females at about 1 year of age and I make sure my males have a nice fat tail on them before breeding them to any females. So, in terms of weight I would wait until they're at least 50g. Our male breeder this season is 2 yrs old weighs around 80g though.

You don't want to breed males when they are young because they can prolapse and that could be a huge problem, and on the other hand you want them to be old enough and mature to produce healthy fertile eggs. Wait until they are mature at least 10-12 months old before even thinking about breeding.

In the meantime, pick up the new Ron Tremper book on leopard geckos and get a good understanding on breeding, genetics, and hatchlings while you wait for you male to mature out and get some size on him.

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