the rantings of a pet store employee



I work at a pet store in Boardman, Ohio so I have several things to rant and rave about. Here goes:
1.) Rose haired tarantulas will not kill you when they bite, which in my personal experience is very rare. So please stop telling your small children that they are "poisonious" and can kill them because they are ,in fact, venomous and only cause harm if you are allergic to their venom.
2.) Any animal that has nails and teeth-rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, and lizards included- CAN(not that they will, but they can) scratch and bite. So please stop asking if it can bite, if it has teeth it can bite, not a hard concept.
3.) Iguanas are NOT good pets from kids. No, a 10 gallon tank is not big enough. Yes, they must have heat. Yes, they really do need a 25 dollar UVB light. No, a regular house bulb is not they same. Yes, you will probably spend an easy $150 bucks on a $15 lizard. Let me repeat, Iguanas are NOT good pets for inexperienced little kids and their Mommy's who just want them to shut up.
4.) No, a clown fish cannot go in the same tank as your goldfish.
5.) If a betta is blue it does not mean that it is a boy. If a betta is red/purple it does not mean that it is a girl.
6.) There is a ball python that strikes at anything that moves, so when I say "Sir please be careful while showing your 3y/o the snake in that cage because it tends to strike." this in no way translates into "Please tap the glass repeatedly until the snake starts bleeding."!!!!!!!
7.) Sure an animal will only get as big as its cage, because then it will die. Just because you keep -a red eared slider, an iguana, a python, a red-tail boa, or any other snake, ect. in a tiny cage does not mean that it will stay tiny and cute. Specifically- I asked two people who were looking at tanks, if i could help them find anything. They asked if we carried anything smaller than a five gallon, I showed them a few plastic cages and ask what they needed it for. They responded "we want 2 or 3 or your little leopard geckos, but we don't want them to get any bigger than they are now, so we need a small cage." AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are just a few things that happened during my 4 hour shift last night.


lol, i thought my questions on here were kind of stupid and annoying. lol at least i did some research and read about a few care sheets and all. lol, i dont feel so bad now.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
Some people can be kind of daft... but all we can do is teach them, or else they shall remain daft...


New Member
It's sad. Very sad. I have been in your shoes before and I can not count how many times I have been asked the same questions. But it is a good thing they have you as an employee because most of the people that work at pet shops are just as clueless about animals as the costumers are. So, be proud that you are teaching and saving animals lives.


I agree-if you can get past the stupidity -it really is quite humorous how stupid some people continue to let themselves be
With this age of instant info via a Goggle search-anyone can at least start out with some genuine basic care info on the keeping and caring of just about any animal

I really feel badly about the people that wanted to keep the Leos in the small container so they wouldn't grow
Would they keep their children in closets for the same reason?
hmm.maybe they would
not a nice thought
OK-nuff said
I'm glad that there are people like you that work in pet shops
You are few and far between but maybe it will catch on
A little knowledge is a very powerful thing
Oakland, CA
HAHA.. I know exactly how you feel. I used to work at a large reptile store out here in Berkely, California for 5+ years. I always had people ask the same kind of questions about Iguanas, Bearded Dragons.. and all of the fun other little critters. The nice thing with the Iguana People.. and the bitey-ness issue.. Is that I have actually been bitten on my chin by a 5 foot iguana. I had to get stiches because of it. So.. If they asked about how great of pets they make.. I always pointed to the scar. Yeah. I am sorry you deal with these people, I am glad that I don't know. I suggest going into back area if there is one.. curse/vent about how lame they are and then come out with a BIG smile.. and pretend not to hate them. :D You are doing a good job and a great service to the animals. So be at least happy about that.


dirtystinkystuff said:
HAHA.. I know exactly how you feel. I used to work at a large reptile store out here in Berkely, California for 5+ years. I always had people ask the same kind of questions about Iguanas, Bearded Dragons.. and all of the fun other little critters. The nice thing with the Iguana People.. and the bitey-ness issue.. Is that I have actually been bitten on my chin by a 5 foot iguana. I had to get stiches because of it. So.. If they asked about how great of pets they make.. I always pointed to the scar. Yeah. I am sorry you deal with these people, I am glad that I don't know. I suggest going into back area if there is one.. curse/vent about how lame they are and then come out with a BIG smile.. and pretend not to hate them. :D You are doing a good job and a great service to the animals. So be at least happy about that.

Good post David
I like the part about going into the back and then coming out with a smile on your face
You are right-no matter how many times that you answer the same questions-you are educating people on how to care properly for the animals that they are taking home
good job



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