SteveB he's from VA a hot, young guy, lol..
Rebecca the last bach of roaches I had were shipped in a deli cup. While I have spoken to a few other people that sell roaches they said that this method is not uncommon (A box within a box) but I would have at least liked a warning. Like LIVE ROACHES LOOSE IN BOX! Caution while opening ya know. I was about to open this box in the kitchen thank god I didn't and opened it while in the box was in the tank. It took awhile to smack out the last few roaches out of the box.
Here's who I was thinking of.. shame, hope he's in good health still.. anyone know?
Well, maybe it just sounds like a not great shipping method because, well, for one thing the roaches aren't my favorite things to lay my eyes on in the first place, and for another, I've never had them shipped that way.
It was easy to order and they got here really quickly but I feel the same way, shipping wasn't the best. A small warning would have went a LONG way.