The Unofficial Mealworm Breeding Sticky


hey guys, i thought it was about time for one of these. I always see the topics come up, and i decided i'd try to make a sticky. Everything i know so far is going into this, and if you want me to add anything important or just little things that may help, just post:D

****NOTE***** This is intended for non-breeding pet owners wanting to breed mealworms. IF you do breed, then just multiply this. It does take a lot of work and time, and it may not sound like it, but lots of work is needed. You also may need a lot more tubs, because in order to move the beetles from one container to another, and let the baby mealworms grow, you need a lot of tubs, and even more depending on the amount of beetles you currently have.

Supplies needed:
2 or 3 Tubs or small tanks (tubs recommended they're cheaper)
Bedding (fine gutload or fine-grounded oats should work well, a mix of both is even better)
Moisture source (potato's work excellent)
*optional*1 smaller bucket (for the worms you're going to turn to pupae)
*optional* 2 small butter buckets (1 to store the pupae and seperate them from the worms, one for the near beetle pupae)
*optional* A wire sifter

1st Step: Getting the mealworms into pupae

An obviously important part of mealworm breeding is before the morph from a mealworm to a pupae. Some people like to take all the food and moisture sources away from the mealworms so they can pupate faster. It's true that they do turn into pupae if they're stressed, but the only bad thing with that is the pupae might die of starvation, or malnutrition. My suggestion is to feed them all very well, and they'll turn into bigger, healthier beetles instead of malnourished non-healthy beetles. Mainly oats or any type of gutload ( makes great gutload from what ive heard and have been using, and i'm not dissapointed one bit) work for the bedding. A tip to save some gutload because it can be expensive: Grind some oats in a blender until it turns to fine powder (some chunks are totally fine) and mix 1 part oats and 1 part gutload and lay it down in the tub. Once you have beetles, they'll eat this, and the baby mealworms will also if all goes well.

2nd Step: Pupating process

Once a mealworm has turned into a pupae, i suggest seperating it from the mealworms into another small container (a butter bucket would work great). Its better to be safe to seperate, though i've never heard mealworms eating pupae, but who knows? They will not eat in this state, so that's why its so important to let them eat well before they pupate. They'll stay in this state for 1-2 weeks.

3rd Step: Seperating Near-beetle pupae

As you can see in the pic below (coming soon), the pupae is starting to get the brownish color on it. This means the pupae will be turning into a beetle very soon (usually about half a week to a week). This is usually when i seperate them so when they do turn into beetles, the beetles don't eat the pupae, which has been known to happen and has happened to me before.

4th Step: Putting Pupated Beetle Into Tub, And Basic Care For Beetles

Once the pupae turns into a beetle, i usually take a plastic spoon, and move them from the container to the tub with the bedding. After pupating, the beetle will be very hungry and thirsty, so put a couple slices of a vegtable (potato works very well) in the container. The slices should be thin, because they'll only eat so much before the potato dries up. I usually replace the potato's after a week or so, when they become dried out.

5th Step: Breeding and Mealworms

I haven't gotten any worms yet from the beetles, but here's the information i have come to know after a while of researching breeding mealworms. After a month - a month and a half, you'll have to move all the beetles into a different container. This is so the mealworms can grow in the bedding, and so the beetles don't eat the mealworms. Once moved out of the current container, you should see mini-mealworms after a month or two. Keep a couple of those worms, and continue this process all over again.


For a more sucsessful breeding colony, put the beetle container in a closet, or a dark place somewhere. They are a lot more active in the dark, thus making them breed more often, thus more mealworms will be born.

Keep them warm, they'll stay more active this way.

Once you see mini mealworms, you can sift them out with a wire sifter, which should be easy because your bedding should be very fine, and all the mealworms will be in the sifter after all the bedding is sifted.

Warm temperature promotes pupation, while cold temperature prohibits the morphing.



A Pic of my recently pupated pupae bucket


A Pic of a more recently pupated pupae on the left, and a near beetle pupae on the right


A Pic of my near-beetle pupae, waiting to hatch to beetles


If anybody here has any tips i should add, just post:D

Jeff K.
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New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Key: Warmth and darkness.

I breed mealies, so far I see nothing wrong with what you've posted. Although I don't think it's necessary to seperate the pupae until they have morphed into beetles. The beetles take about a day for their shell to harden, they don't ususaly move much until this happens. So you can just check every two days or so to see if they have morphed. Once they have that's when I remove them.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Not trying to be rude but if you have not even gotten to the beetle stage how do you know this works?

2or 3 tubs, what size?

If you are breeding for 100+ leo breeders plus upcoming babies, you would (or I) need 10-15 shoeboxes for mealies (that morph to beetles) to be able to have fresh beetles in each box at 5-7 day intervals to allow for different sizes of worms. Plus the initial 2-3000 worms per box to turn to pupates.

Then another 10-15 to sift the eggs into as the beetles lay, you will sift out the gutload with the eggs and give the beetles new gutload to begin laying again.

There is no reason to separate the pupate, beetles will cling to paper towels or tissue and be easily separated without digging in gutload.

Regular mealworms pupate in warmer temps, cool temps prohibit the morphing as warm temps promote the morphing.

With sifting you will sift out the gutload after 5-7 days to separate the eggs form the beetles as the beetles will eat the eggs in the gutload.

You will then resift every 5-7 days for size, mini and small mealies go through most spaghetti strainers, a super fine flower sifter will retain the mini and smalls but will also keep in larger mealies, this is why you need to sift then every 5-7 day to keep the mealies in each new bin the same size.

Anyway there is a lot to it, not just a few bins, gutload, potatoes and a sifter. And there is more to it than I posted. Mealeis are the easier to breed of insects, but it takes the space and time depending on your collection.


dragonflyreptiles said:
Not trying to be rude but if you have not even gotten to the beetle stage how do you know this works?

2or 3 tubs, what size?

If you are breeding for 100+ leo breeders plus upcoming babies, you would (or I) need 10-15 shoeboxes for mealies (that morph to beetles) to be able to have fresh beetles in each box at 5-7 day intervals to allow for different sizes of worms. Plus the initial 2-3000 worms per box to turn to pupates.

Then another 10-15 to sift the eggs into as the beetles lay, you will sift out the gutload with the eggs and give the beetles new gutload to begin laying again.

There is no reason to separate the pupate, beetles will cling to paper towels or tissue and be easily separated without digging in gutload.

Regular mealworms pupate in warmer temps, cool temps prohibit the morphing as warm temps promote the morphing.

With sifting you will sift out the gutload after 5-7 days to separate the eggs form the beetles as the beetles will eat the eggs in the gutload.

You will then resift every 5-7 days for size, mini and small mealies go through most spaghetti strainers, a super fine flower sifter will retain the mini and smalls but will also keep in larger mealies, this is why you need to sift then every 5-7 day to keep the mealies in each new bin the same size.

Anyway there is a lot to it, not just a few bins, gutload, potatoes and a sifter. And there is more to it than I posted. Mealeis are the easier to breed of insects, but it takes the space and time depending on your collection.

yeah i actually do have over 200 beetles right now, i jsut don't have any worms yet from them. It was a typo. This is for a small breeding project, not a full blown scale project, so its smaller. You'd just have to multiply it. All i was trying to do was be helpful and i never said it was just a few bins, gutload, potatoes and sifter for a full out project. This sticky is for maybe a few leos, not 100, but even if that all you'd have to do is multiply this too your needs. Also, thats what i meant by a wire sifter, i never said sphagetti sifter.

Also, the size of the tub probably depends on how many beetles you have. If your going to have more than one tub of beetles, a 18 quart tub isnt enough, but that is what i use. All i was tryin to do was to be helpful, and its kind of aggrivating when somebody seems negative about my post. O well, wat can i do??

Jeff K.
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Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
Jeff876533 said:
yeah i actually do have over 200 beetles right now, i jsut don't have any worms yet from them. It was a typo. This is for a small breeding project, not a full blown scale project, so its smaller. You'd just have to multiply it. All i was trying to do was be helpful and i never said it was just a few bins, gutload, potatoes and sifter for a full out project. This sticky is for maybe a few leos, not 100, but even if that all you'd have to do is multiply this too your needs. Also, thats what i meant by a wire sifter, i never said sphagetti sifter.

Also, the size of the tub probably depends on how many beetles you have. If your going to have more than one tub of beetles, a 18 quart tub isnt enough, but that is what i use. All i was tryin to do was to be helpful, and its kind of aggrivating when somebody seems negative about my post. O well, wat can i do??
Jeff K.

Ok to quote you:

Jeff876533 said:
Supplies needed:
2 or 3 Tubs or small tanks (tubs recommended they're cheaper)
Bedding (fine gutload or fine-grounded oats should work well, a mix of both is even better)
Moisture source (potato's work excellent)
1 smaller bucket (for the worms you're going to turn to pupae)
*optional* 2 small butter buckets (1 to store the pupae and seperate them from the worms, one for the near beetle pupae)
*optional* A wire sifter

Like I said I am not trying to be rude just adding to and correcting the info you posted, I was not being negative but ELABORATE about what is actually needed. It takes a lot of time and space and attention to breed any feeder.

You have no idea how many "newbies" may see that post and think that 2-3 bins, gutload and potatoes will be enough to breed mealies for their pet leos, not buy food, then blame it on their non producing colonies for not having feeders.

That setup may work for say a few pet non breeding leos but not for more than that.

A wire sifter will also sift out large mealies with the others that will wind up with your minis and small, that is why you need a wire sifter to sift out the gutload (containing the eggs) every 5-7 days as to keep the ones in each bin of similar size. A spaghetti sifter and possible other sizes is needed in between (as needed for other size feeders) to keep worms in each bin of similar size.

When I had 100 leos, I had about 15 shoeboxes, 15 sweater boxes and 2 blanket bins for the breeding cycle and still bought about 50,000 or more mealies per month. So my above estimate was for a small to moderate collection.


okay i edited my post, with a note on top. Sorry for gettin mad at ya, just kinda got on my nerves. I understand now, and newer people may get the misconseption and the results wouldnt be very good. Thankss

Jeff K


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
I didn't think you were mad at me but I have bred mealworms and its a long hard painstaking thing to do for more than a few leos. I figured you only had a few and that may work for a very small size collection.


New Member
what are u guys using for a sifter? I use a bran for the bedding. I cant find anything to use that the bran will fall though and only pick up the beetles.


I dont think there will be a sifter like that unless you try a spaghetti sifter. Thats why using smaller less granular bedding is a lot better and easier, especially when it comes to sifting

Jeff K


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
the beetles usually eat up the gutload so it is pertty finely ground, you may have too much bran in there if they are not getting it ground up for you. I put it about 1" deep.

Youc an also put your bran in the blender to grind it up finer too.

I use 3 different size sifters.


dragonflyreptiles said:
the beetles usually eat up the gutload so it is pertty finely ground, you may have too much bran in there if they are not getting it ground up for you. I put it about 1" deep.

Youc an also put your bran in the blender to grind it up finer too.

I use 3 different size sifters.

thats exactly what i did. I put the bran into the sifter, and it almost feels like flower after 30 seconds or so of grinding. 1 part gutload and 1 part fine oats makes an awesome bedding that saves your gutload:D

Also, who would i pm to request this to become a sticky?

Jeff K

gecko breeder

New Member
the meal worms i have grown into orenge beatles and they are not super worms either. is it becase they just hached from the pupa. im going to breed them to and i have two little cups with 7 mealiesin them both under 80 degreese. so im hoping for them to turn into pupa. i have 3 pupa and 2 beatles so im set for breeding.


I'm baaaaaack!
Jeff876533 said:
Also, who would i pm to request this to become a sticky?

Jeff K

Jeff, I appreciate you wanting to "stick" the thread, however I don't think it would do much good. Most of the time if people have questions they either use the search function and find what they're looking for, or they don't bother searching at all, and just start a new thread asking the questions that could have been answered by searching. Also, it seems that many people don't bother reading the threads that are stickied, so my opinion is that it wouldn't have the desired result.

I will ask the other moderators about it for their opinions though.

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