Thematic fantastic



So, in the vein of petstore disasters

I was at petco the other day, on the way home from lunch, needed mealies so i stopped by. So of course I -had- to look at the reptiles. Got to the leopard geckos. here is what I saw.

one patternless that was i'd say, 8-10 inches long, a host of juviniles rangeing from 4-6 inches,

and then one... all buy itself, laying in that little brown open shelf thing (you know the one I'm talking about.) that was skinnier than a pencil, laying there looking dead. it looked like the picture of every crypto infected gecko Ive eer seen. its tail was perhaps quarter the size of a pencil, it was skin and bones. I had them take it out, and itw as fiesty, but likely not eating because the other 10+ geckos in the cage were dominating it to hell.

I talked to many folks, but i'm willing to bet money its dead or still there unchanged. it was impossible that they didnt notice it.



Awww. I actually went to a petstore down the street the other day just for fun because I like to look. They profess to be all knowledgable about reptiles. I looked in the leo cage and saw 1 very dead and crusted leo that was only bones, I don't think there was skin attached. I said something to the lady and she said that it was sick and she just hadn't cleaned the cage yet. I proceeded to freak out on her and tell her little kids could see that and there was no way that gecko died recently. Well she had mall security drag me out, but all in all I was kinda mad that she showed no signs of caring. So I feel where you are coming from Ryan.


usually petco takes good care of their reptiles. but they proceed to know nothing about them.

I say we all need to go get jobs at petstores and set things straight. lol


Nastynotch, I did just that! I started working at a pet supply plus about a month ago. My first day there I did away with the sand in the baby leo and in the baby beardie vivs, put hides and stuff in all of the cages(poor little things had no where to escape to), changed out a bunch of bulbs to get proper temps(the Mali Uro tank was only 60 degrees and the adult leo's was 110!!!!!). It kind of sucks because we are only allowed to use products that the store carries. I'm glad I can make thing a bit better for the animals, but I wish I could do more. On the bright side, the herps are usually there a very short time.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Wretched said:
and then one... all buy itself, laying in that little brown open shelf thing (you know the one I'm talking about.)

Yep, I know exactly what you are talking about :main_cool3:

People seriously need to stop buying animals at the chain pet stores

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