These can't be healthy, right?



Craigslist Geckos

I came across these on my local CL and thought, Oh My. I'm not well versed in geckos, but I rescue bearded dragons and these little guys just screamed out at me. I might crash-course myself on cresties and see if I can talk the price down (with a "diplomatic" lecture on reptile care!!).

I've rescued a couple beardies where the owner said, "I didn't realize she wasn't healthy." And I believe they were thick enough to actually believe that, but I'm like, Anyone should be able to look at this animal and tell it is not healthy! I'm thinking the same about these 2 little guys...unless I'm educated otherwise right here and now. But I browsed some pics on this site and all I saw were fat healthy looking babies!

Anyone near Charlotte NC that can look into these or am I about to add cresties to my reptile haven??


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
They look like they have been fed junk food. Skinny, even for a 4 month old. Also, the photos have more than likely been color enhanced. If the current owner is considering trades, perhaps you have some extra tanks or other supplies they may be interested in, and maybe add a little cash if you felt so inclined. They are pretty tho, and at least still have tails intact. It probably wouldn't take too long for them to regain a healthy status once they're getting good care on a consistent basis.


Gray Sky Exotics
Even though I would have no problem rehabbing a sick gecko back to health, I would not pay an owner who doesn't take proper care of the animal. That is just rewarding them for improper care....just my thinking (I know it's hard seeing the little critters in distress.)

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