Thin Juvenile Crested Gecko?


New Member

I recently acquired a juvenile crested gecko, my second. I've had him for a month now, and I am still waiting for him to acclimate and begin eating well and growing. So, I'm looking for some help.

My other crested gecko, Saya, a female from Carolina Classic Dragons, eats like a pig and is now a whopping 17g. I got her in March at around 7g. She is a huge, fantastic extreme blonde harlequin.

My extreme orange harlequin from another breeder, Caspian, is another story. So far, I have not had any luck with various foods, and he is afraid of live feeders, both crickets and blaptica dubia. His staple is Repashy 3.0 CGD, changed every other day.

Here are some current shots of him. They are low quality and have bad lighting, but he is really hard to get shots of as he refuses to stay still:

caspian.png erfefer.png

Here is some info about his environment:

Diet: Repashy 3.0 CGD, attempts at blaptics dubia and crickets.
Enclosure: 3gal tupper, opaque sides, with fake plants and a hide. Misted daily.
Photoperiod: Window and artificial lighting.
Temps: 73F at night, 75F during the day.
Things I have tried to encourage eating: Honey, banana smoothie.

If there is anything else you want yo know, ask.

Does he look too thin? He is around 7 grams. If he is too thin, any tips to bulk him up a bit?

Here he is from the pictures the breeder took, before I acquired him:



New Member
My cresties hated small crickets. Would only eat ones considered to big for them as juveniles. Worked out just fine though. Just give it a little time. I would just hand feed CGD every other day so you know the new one is eating. When you put him back in the cage put it on top of their food bowl of CGD. He will pick up an appetite soon enough. They really don't eat much in the first place.

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