this sucks


New Member
Today on my way to the supermarket there was a turtle in the road. There was a guy moving it off but he put it in someones yard. The whole time I was thinking how dumb it was and the people probably have no idea what to do with a turtle in there yard. So I took it when the guy left and put it about 5 feet into the woods( there's a river a little ways back). I took some pics to planning to post them but here's what REALLY SUCKS. On my way home in the middle of the road is the turtle smashed into pieces. The stubborn thing turned back and tried going across the road again. I just hate how people go flying down the road it was on regardless of things in the road or signs. There's a slow turtle sign to. People are so ignorant sometimes!! But in the same way I almost feel it was my fault. I wanted it to get away from people. Now I am mad at my self and sad. This SUCKS.


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
its not your fault that people are in too much of a rush to bother with anything but their own little part o the world we live in


Aww well at least you tried, I had to run over a huge black snake last summer in the road. There was a car riding my rear end and it was either slam on brakes or kill the snake and I seen it way to late to even try and slow down I felt soo bad about that til this day.

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