Thats funny!
By the way... How is your little one doing that had the shedding issue and possible mouth issue?? Good I hope.
i'll take pictures of her later for you! she lost most of those toes, it was too late to save them. i got the shed off them but they were all black and shriveled and just came off with her next shed. and her mouth issue apparently was a scab from another leo biting her, or so they think. it's almost completely healed but idk if her mouth will ever be even. she eats like a monster and is growing fast, nubby feet and all.
Yeah, a few of those toes looked like a lost cause but thats great that shes doing good and doesn't have mouth rot. As you said her jaws will never be even but thats not a big deal, as long as shes happy and healthy and eating good. I look forward to seeing some updated pictures.