Tile to hot?


New Member
I have a 10 gallon tank and im thinking about laying down a repti-carpet and then putting a single ceramic tile under the warm hide above the zoomed 10 to 20 gallon UTH, i will also have a 40 watt red heat lamp above the warm side, would this get too hot in the hide? Thanks for any feed back!


New Member
I don't know what the temp in your room is but you may not need a heat bulb at all.
I have a 20gallon long that's is all tile and I use a 10gallon sized uth and it stays between 90-97 degrees with just the uth..


New Member
Okay thanks, i was just wanting some sort of red light so i can view the gecko at night, the lamp im getting has a dimmer so im sure if i put it on low it wouldnt be to hot. For a ten gallon should i downgrade to the mini uth? Zoomed makes one for a 1-5 gallon tank


New Member
I have a 10 gal like you suggested. A layer of Rep Carpet over Tile. The Zoo Meds can have a Hot Spot ( in the middle ) so you need to check the floor temps ( over /under the Hot Hide) once they are set before you use the 40w for heat. It will raise the air temp and the floor temp but as bman said, it's relative to your room temps also. So you may not need it. It's just one of those things you have to check..... but you should be fine. You can get a dimmer from lowes or home depot to if it's too hot or add layers under the tile.

I got this goose neck lamp at target for 6 bucks with a 40w regular red bulb for viewing. That red plastic sheet is just a light defuser I got at lowes. Since it's above the screen..... it does not have a major affect on the temps in the tank. ( but I have a heat gun )
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New Member
You probably won't need a heat bulb with your room temp being what it is. My
room temp is 76 year round so I only need a uth. I've been looking for a cheap lamp to use for a night bulb for viewing purposes.
Do you have a digital thermometer? If not get a accurite from walmart for $10 it's the best lil cheap digital thermo I've used.


New Member
Why not just tile the whole tank and forget the repti carpet. Tile is super cheap mine only cost 58cents per piece of tile. Tile holds heat really well and it looks really nice. I need to take a new pic of my tank and post it since I changed it.

The exo Terra uth I have does have a hot spot but I have a huge hide that covers the whole uth so he can move inside it to be warmer or not. I will post a pic of it later.


New Member
A heat lamp is fine if it's a red light bulb as they aren't affected by the red light. No need for a tstat if you use tile, you can put something under the tile if you need to lower the temps. In my tank I use newspaper under the tile. I put 4 single sheets of newspaper under my tile and my temp stays between 90-97 depending on room temp which normally stays at 76, at 76 room temp my hot side stays at 93-95


New Member
The only reason to use a heat lamp is if your room temp is cool and your cool side needs to go up a few degrees. Your hot side should get more then warm enough with just using a uth but then again that depends on your temp. It's trial and error to get your temps right.


New Member
Thanks for the input. Bty my room temp is between 65 and 72 usually

I have had the same problem with the room air temp as you. You can get a light dimmer to control the floor temp on the hot side from the UTH under the hide ( or inside the hide ). The cool side will most the time be the same as your room temp with an open tank or screen lid.

I have yet to figure out how to raise the air temp by blocking off part of the open screen top. I did try using pegboard..... but the brown stunk so bad I ditched that one.

It's a work in progress to get the air temp and floor temp just the way you or your gecko likes. Temp gun for 25 bucks will take a lot of the guess work out of the floor temps...... finding cool and hot spots.

Viewing lights are a 50/50. Some say use none and some say red or blue low 40w are OK above the tank and not on the screen.

Good luck!


New Member
I have a 10 gal like you suggested. A layer of Rep Carpet over Tile. The Zoo Meds can have a Hot Spot ( in the middle ) so you need to check the floor temps ( over /under the Hot Hide) once they are set before you use the 40w for heat. It will raise the air temp and the floor temp but as bman said, it's relative to your room temps also. So you may not need it. It's just one of those things you have to check..... but you should be fine. You can get a dimmer from lowes or home depot to if it's too hot or add layers under the tile.

I got this goose neck lamp at target for 6 bucks with a 40w regular red bulb for viewing. That red plastic sheet is just a light defuser I got at lowes. Since it's above the screen..... it does not have a major affect on the temps in the tank. ( but I have a heat gun )

what size are your tiles that fit in perfect like that?

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