Really, there are only 2 requirements when you're looking for tile. First, the heat needs to be able to get through it...which I'm unaware of any tile that won't transfer heat, just too weak of a heat source. Second, you want something with texture. Without texture they can't get a good grip and slip around too much.
Thanks, the tile I have should work then. I'd rather keep them all in thier bins, but my other half wants a display tank with some of the gals so everyone can see them when they come over. I think he feels bad for them, yet I've told him they're fine where they are. Husbands.......
HAHA....I just thought of some tiles that won't transfer heat. They use them for cooling pots and things while cooking. However, your average tile from a hardware store will do just fine. I've used slate that ranges from 1/4" to 1/2" thick and had no problems with heating it up.