Timer set lighting and safe heating?


New Member
I have a 36x18x36 (100 gallons) terrarium that will support real plants. The temperature of the room averages around 65 degrees year round and the humidity percent stays around 45-50%. I go on vacation for long periods of time every once in a while and I'm trying to look into a timer for day and night lights (preferably with blue LEDs for night and white/yellow for day) as well as a way to heat the terrarium to a temperature that's safe for a crested gecko and live plants (around 70 degrees). I'm looking for a heating system that reads from the thermometer and makes sure to keep it at a constant temperature that I can set, but I haven't had a lot of luck finding one.

I'm 99% sure that these two systems do exist, I just can't find them. The room for this terrarium doesn't get a lot of real sunlight so I'm pretty sure the day light would need to emit a small amount of UVA and UVB for the plants.

If anyone knows of any setups, please let me know!


New Member
It sounds like you’re looking for an outlet timer and a thermostat. While I’m still looking for a good thermostat myself (from what I’ve read most thermostats don’t work well with heat lamps), I use smart plugs regularly for timing charging devices and turning off lights. These are the ones I use: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B8W2KHZ/?tag=exoticpetnetw-20
There are other timers like them that are a bit cheaper, but these work well for the price and the ability to program them from my phone is a nice plus.

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