Tokay Eggs Peeling


New Member
Hi everyone, I have my first clutch of Tokay eggs working on their fourth month, they've at somewhat lower temps so I know it takes a while longer. My female laid two eggs and I've been waiting patiently.

Recently ive noticed my female as been laying on them almost all the time and that the eggs have started peeling from the area where theyre glued (not peeling off what theyre attached to, the eggs themselves are peeling) and moving outward. I check them with a light often and they still have a rosey glow. It was about a week ago I noticed it. I was just curious if anyone knew if it might be a sign of hatching or possibly going bad? Cant find anything about it online.


New Member
Honestly, most tokay breeders I know just let the eggs alone until they either hatch or pop rotten. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

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