Tokay help - Need to know if I need to go to the vet


New Member
I have two tokays, male and female.

They both have had two swollen [what I think are] glands on their necks, right behind their ears.
It worried me, but they seemed fine otherwise, eating normally, average feces, etc. So I didn't take them to the vet. Now I feel like a horrible owner.

I was holding my male, Bayden, when he got upset with whatever I was doing and nipped me. Now, I don't care if I'm bit. What worried me was when I saw into his mouth; it had white patches

Yes, I know they're bad pictures. It was with an ipod. Yes, I know i'm holding him wrong. I'm sorry, I was [Still am] freaking out.

I didn't notice this earlier because both my tokays have ever done the open mouth thing. I had to force Bayden to do it by rubbing the sides of his mouth.

I gave him a little bit of water and put him away. I'm about ready to wrestle out Rynn [She hates being handled, so wish me luck] to see if she has the same thing going on.

Has anyone else seen this? Do I need to take them to the vets?

Help ._.
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New Member
Yes, Rynn does have the same thing in her mouth.
And I had to fight her to get her to let me hold her. No problem getting her mouth open.


Now that I look around, I think I'm making a fuss over nothing [And a bite] but I still want to leave this open for second opinions.

But... It's not the black I'm worried about. It's the white patches.

If this is me just over reacting, sorry ^ ^; I do that over my babies.
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New Member
It can't hurt to get a check up if you have a good, qualified herp vet near you. I don't think they are anything to be super worried about, though.


New Member

I'm taking them to a person I know at this pet shop who knows a lot about reptiles tomorrow, and if she says I need to take them to the vet I'll start saving up money.

Thank you.

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