Tokay questions.



I've been thinking about getting into breeding tokays, but I can't find a good guide that'll show me their breeding stuff. Like do I incubate the eggs or do I have to leave them in the enclosure, what temps. to incubate at, etc. If anyone here knows of a good site with a guide or something or have any good info on these lizards, please let me know.


Sonoran desert
I kept tokays for a short time (about 9 months) I never breed. But I do know their eggs are glued to the sides of tank (usually glass) removing eggs will tear and kill them. I would say it's best to remove the male from the tank at least before hatching time. Some people will tape up tupperwear, so the hatchlings will be trapt.

For general tokay care. Like a lot of the rain forests species height is a must. I kept 3 in a large exo-terra, but will not keep tokays again until I can find/build a tank at least 4 feet high, 6 would be ideal for me. They do need heat, around 78-85 is ideal a night drop by 5-10 f is fine. Tokays also like high levels of humidity I kept mine between 75-100%RH. Tokays are by far my favorite geckos I've kept. Watching these guys pounce down 20 crickets in two minutes is fun =] I know there are a few more tokay guys and gals on here so maybe someone with a little more experience will step in. Best of luck!

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