Toon, Hugzor and Epic Update!


New Member
For those of you who have noticed or are interested, I used to post on here pretty much every single day until a month or 2 ago when things got crazy. My husband and I split up (he finally lost his mind because of my gecko obsession and threw me out!~~haha, j/k! :main_laugh:) and I moved into an apartment. They have their own reptile room, which is actually an oversized storage room.

Let me tell you, moving three little lizards was an all-day adventure!

Toon took a little while to adjust to the new place. She has always been very aware of her environment and the people in it. I barely saw her for the first week or so after the move, and when she did come out briefly she would look around the room with this "WTF?" look on her face. She also is very leery of my boyfriend, who she doesn't know very well yet. She sits and stares at him while I hold her, and gets anxious. I was happy when she finally started coming out to get on my hand when I called her. The other day she was back to pawing at the front of her tank whenever I was around. Love her! After all of this, I am truly convinced that lizards (or maybe just some lizards?) are quite a bit smarter than many people may think!

Hugzor (AFT but close enough to leo in my mind!--no one ever uses the AFT forums!!) could care less where he (pretty sure it's a he) is at. Now that he's not a baby anymore and is less ravenous about food (and is quite fat), he doesn't come out of his favorite hide much. He's the funniest little guy though. Very docile, and his big black eyes seem to back it up! He's like a little ragdoll when I pick him up. He just sits there and looks around lazily.

Epic, my diablo blanco, has had the hardest time. She didn't care about the new environment, but her body did. The stress of the move caused her to get a respiratory infection. I took her to a reptile vet who prescribed some meds. Let me tell you, giving meds to a gecko is quite the adventure! Especially since she's still not very tame! I am praying that she gets better quick. Her appetite has remained pretty decent so I think that's a good sign. By the way, she is almost the same size as Toon now!! She's not even 4 months old yet, and Toon is about twice her age!! That's bizarre to me!

And that's my lizard update! I hope to be on here more often again soon!

Thanks for reading!
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