Total eclipse x mack snow?


The Household Geckos
Cincinnati, Ohio
I'm expecting some eggs to start arriving later next month and was wondering about a few things..
If this calculator is correct, it should be 50/50 for mack snow or super snow with a het for eclipse, right? Also wondering what percentage the het for eclipse would be. I'm assuming 100% but I'm not entirely sure as I'm quite new to this.

Also what other morphs can be matched with either of these for some interesting outcomes?
I also have a super nova and curious as to what he could produce in the future once he's bigger. Although a mack raptor is a planned possibility for a potential future mate for him and possibly a second mack raptor or a regular raptor for the total eclipse.


Ephesians 4:1-6
Columbus, OH
I'm expecting some eggs to start arriving later next month and was wondering about a few things..
If this calculator is correct, it should be 50/50 for mack snow or super snow with a het for eclipse, right? Also wondering what percentage the het for eclipse would be. I'm assuming 100% but I'm not entirely sure as I'm quite new to this.

Also what other morphs can be matched with either of these for some interesting outcomes?
I also have a super nova and curious as to what he could produce in the future once he's bigger. Although a mack raptor is a planned possibility for a potential future mate for him and possibly a second mack raptor or a regular raptor for the total eclipse.

The thing to remember with percentages is not that you will get any certain percentage, but that each egg has a certain percentage of a chance to be a particular morph. Meaning the you wont necessarily get 50%, you could very well get 20% or 70%. The calculator is just an average.

That said, with your pairing, each egg has a 50% chance of being super snow. Any egg that is not super snow will be a snow. All eggs will be 100% het eclipse as the eclipse gene is recessive.

As far as other things to pair with them. Thats a never ending Literally anything you want. Just be sure not to cross lines of "snow". It just creates muddy waters.


The Household Geckos
Cincinnati, Ohio
Thank you for the help! So pretty much in this case it's fairly simple at least and the results are just as predicted. Also I just wasn't sure about mixing just anything with them especially since they're snows[aside from the nova]. It would seem a bit strange to mix them to a carrot tail or something of the sort wouldn't it?
Either way I was just wondering if there was any specific ways to go that would give interesting results.


Ridgewood, NJ
I love my group of snows and bold stripes! I get lots of interesting variation in the babies and love the variety and surprise when an egg hatches. All of the babies I've hatched so far have been totally unique. As compared to my sunglows which are 98% solid orange it's a nice change. Snow goes pretty well with almost anything. I may be crossing some into my typhoons (rainwater albino eclipses) and sunglows/raptors this year so the combo of the gene with carrot tail can be done and may produce some interesting results. I would search around the internet for Mack snow [insert morph] and see what you can find that catches your eye! You definitely want to work with something you love looking at and can't get enough of! Good luck!


The Household Geckos
Cincinnati, Ohio
Yeah I know. I love my snows as well. Sure the orange ones are spectacular as well[mostly when they're a deep almost scarlet or red color] but I love white geckos with a small amount of color such as dreamsicles, white&yellows, auroras and such. I'd love to get my hands on a white and yellow since it seems that you can't breed for those but they're still quite high in price..
Also not really understanding the polygenics to well.. Are those essentially just pattern/color traits that could be passed onto any gecko? Kind of looking at bandit, bold, stripe, lavender, and maybe red stripe[if possible to cross that into snows].

Sorry for all the dumb questions by the way, just trying to make sure I understand as much as possible. Going to be doing some research else where as well as re-reading this book to engrave it into my head.

Oh and herp derp.. Seems getting just a plain raptor would do even better with producing dreamsicles than a mack snow raptor. Though with a mack snow raptor, the pairing could produce a few other good morphs. Guess I'll have to see whats available at the next show.
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