I have not seen any other posts on this topic, but sometimes newly bought baby geckos can be the most stubborn to get to adapt to being handled, not being afraid of there surrounding, able to discover their water dish, food etc. One method that I have used with great success is to take the juvenile leopard gecko out of his hide and block the entrance for a short time (say probably 15 to 20 minutes). Not only did my gecko discover his water bowl and take a long needed drink but also took his first poop in 3 days probably due to the increased activity of walking around. Needless to say after employing this method for about a week and then stopping the 3 geckos I have used it on all are much more active during the evening and night hours and tend to eat quite a bit better than when they first arrived. Neither of them have exhibited any symptoms of stress. It would seem that sometimes out of fear these babies just sit in their cave all day but unfortunately sitting on one spot with no exercise does not bode well for a healthy gecko just like it does not help humans to much either. This is not be the case for all baby geckos but it certainly can be for pet store bought ones who are often mishandled and tend to be much more fearful than breeder bought lizards.