Tremper Albino x Sunglow - Tremper Albino x SHTCTB het tremper - Tremper A. x APTOR


New Member
Hi guys !

I have 3 questions:

1 - What would I get if I breed 1 tremper albino 66% het blizzard female with a Sunglow het raptor tremper male ?

2 - What would I get if I breed 1 tremper albino 66% het blizzard female with a SHTCTB het tremper male ?

3 - What would I get if I breed 1 tremper albino 66% het blizzard female with a Aptor het raptor tremper male ?

What would give me the best good looking babies and the most valueable ones (to sell) ?

Best regards,


New Member
Anyone please ?

I have this female and another male not listed there, and I'm planning to buy one of these 3 males that I listed on the question... So I need to know that in order to buy the best male for my tremper albino female (=

Thanks (=


New Member
I don't have time to type up the break down for all of these pairings right now, but I can help a bit. Go to this genetic calculator and input your pairings to see the results. Just remember what the genetic makeup of the animals is, i.e. Raptor is a Tremper Eclipse with line-bred patternless stripe and tangerine, an Aptor is the same without the Eclipse (or only het Eclipse), a Sunglow is a Super-Hypo Tremper with line-bred tangerine. You can only enter the simple genetics, not the line-bred traits, but it will give you a start.

For the poss het Blizzard, enter it both ways, with and without Blizzard. I'll tell you now, though... you should really try to prove out that het and buy a visual Blizzard male, like a Tremper Blazing Blizzard or a Diablo Blanco/het Diablo Blanco, and determine whether the female is or isn't het Blizz. It will make labelling (and SELLING!) your babies simpler, as with the three mentioned pairings, you'd have no way of knowing that the babies are het Blizz. Sometimes increased speckling/spotting can be an indicator, but it's not 100% and you really NEED to know the genetics of the babies you're selling. So I'd actually say... don't buy any of them. Buy a visual Blizzard male of some sort and start there.


New Member

I see, I've already known this website (gecko calculator) but the thing is, they don't have all morphs that I tried to calculate. For instance, they don't have super hypo listed on teh morphs as well tangerines...

I've thought about what you said about proving the famela out (blizzard) and I'e been told it already, I'll do that next season, for now I really want to buy one of these 3 males that I listed. The male blizzard will only be avaliable to sell next year, so I cannot work with this line right now ;/
And keeping in mind that I intend to holdback a few babies I'll probably take a long time before selling the babies, arround 6 months at least.


New Member
For super hypo, enter the rest of the genetics, then go to the manual list and select Hypo (2C) from the drop-down. That is your super hypo. Tangerine is line bred, so you can't really figure out what the babies will look like other than a general idea... good tangerines will generally produced better tangerines when bred to a nice tang than when bred to a dull yellow/tang.

I understand the limitation of only being able to acquire things later. Which male you should pick depends on which direction you want to go. Do you eventually want Diablo Blancos, Raptors, or Sunglows? You could go (long term) for Raptors and/or Diablo Blancos (if the female's het proves) with that first or third male. The second would set you on the road to your own Sunglows. It's all in where you want to go.

If your plan is to pick up a Blizzard male next year, I'd personally go with either the Sunglow het Raptor or the Aptor het Raptor. That would be the start of a from-scratch Diablo Blanco project, and could be lots of fun. But that's just my opinion, which might not be worth much.
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New Member
My plan was to go to sunglows, so my first thought was to get the SHTCTB het tremper to pair with the Tremper Albino and I tried hard to find it to buy, finally did it and I got a reservation to October or so. But someone did offer me those 2 other males that I wrote on the top and I got a little bit confused, I don't know what can come from them, so I came here to ask.

Do you think would be better to go with a SHTCTB het tremper to try to get sunglows (that was my initial plan and will) or to go straight with a sunglow male and see what's gonna come up ?

Thanks for the patience and answers man (=
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New Member
I guess it would depend on the quality of the sunglow, honestly. If the SHTCTB has the better color/quality, you might be better off going with that one. On the other hand, the Sunglow would cut out a year or two of breeding efforts to start producing more good sunglows. Either way, you have a start to a Sunglow project. Sorry if that's not much help for you.


Ridgewood, NJ
To answer your question directly:

1. Tremper albinos that are possible het blizzard and eclipse.
2. 50% Trempers and 50% Hypos that are het Tremper.
3. Tremper albinos that are possibe het blizzard and eclipse.

Learning which genetics make up which morphs is helpful when using the calculator since many of the fancy morph names are not included.

Value is based on your reputation as a breeder for producing healthy happy geckos, where you got your breeding stock (basically who can vouch for no hidden genetics), and finally, quality of the babies. Morphs, in general, are not worth more or less than any other without the first three things I mentioned. Once you have the first three the value of a specific morph that is special and different from what other folks are producing it becomes more valuable.

P.S. Until recently I thought Super Hypo was Hypo at 2C as well. I learned my thinking was incorrect. Whether 1C or 2C a hypo is the same hypo. Both can have spots. Super hypo is line bred reduction of spots.


New Member
Fisrt of all thank you guys for all the answers and so sorry for the time that I took to answer it back, I was having a lot of trouble on university and on my job, but things are getting lighter now and I'm having more free time to spend on my hobbies (=

DrCarrotTail, so Tremper Albino het Blizzard X SHTCTB het Tremper will NOT give me Sunglows ? I bought a SHTCTB male (baby) and I'll pair him to my Tremper Albino female next offspring and I was hoping to get a sunglow or some orange gecko =P

And how can I learn that kinda thing from genetics ? I mean, what should I pick up on the calculator as long as it does not has SHTCTB there to calculate ?


Ridgewood, NJ
DrCarrotTail, so Tremper Albino het Blizzard X SHTCTB het Tremper will NOT give me Sunglows ? I bought a SHTCTB male (baby) and I'll pair him to my Tremper Albino female next offspring and I was hoping to get a sunglow or some orange gecko =P

The calculator provides probabilities for recessive, dominant and co-dominant genes. Polygenic traits, like super hypo, carrot tail, and tangerine are "coded" at multiple alleles, this means that lots of genes combine to make them and they are therefore usually line bred and much harder to predict. For example, breeding two geckos with a 100% carrot tail will not guarantee that all babies have 100% carrot tail. Some, probably most, will have a lot of carrot tail but you'll probably get a few with less than 100%. SHT is even more complex. Just because one line of hypo tangerine has no spots (super hypos), the reduced spotting may not be caused by the same set of genes that are present in another line of tangerine (for example, Blood x Atomic or something like that). When you cross the two lines of tangerine you may get some babies with no spotting at all, but it's also possible the lines are not very compatible and you may get all babies with lots of spots.

IMO A sunglow is a Super hypo tangerine tremper albino. This means they have little or no dark spotting or banding on them. Since you may be breeding two geckos from different lines you can't 100% predict how well the two lines will mesh and how little or much spotting the babies will have. Therefore, breeding a tremper albino to a SHTCTB may produce sunglows or it may not. You will have a 25% probability of producing a hybino (Hypo tremper albinos) but whether the baby is super hypo or not is largely up to chance. IMO this is what makes line breeding and working with polygenic traits so exciting!

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