Tremper Albino?


New Member
Atlanta, GA
Hey there everyone! :)

Just wanted to jump on here quick and give some updates about the little gecko I bought 4 months ago!
His name is Ghost and he is just a sweetheart. (Even though his eyes look so angry all the time hah)

He seems to be doing quite well, his colors are changing and he doesn't seem too fat or skinny.
I wanted to confirm a few things however; as a first time leopard gecko owner I wasn't absolutely sure about his morph. I purchased him with the label of a tremper albino, I just wasn't aware that trempers' could have this intense orange coloration he's getting in his tail. Here are a few pics for comparison. [My phone has a terrible camera and doesn't do his colors justice, he is really quite a handsome fellow.]
I would also like to know if he looks like he's healthy; he is able to do this thing that really confounds me. He doesn't eat very often, even though I was under the impression that young leopard geckos should eat quite frequently. I will leave a few mealworms out for him in a bowl, but the numbers never seem different when I check back on him, yet he still manages to poop quite a bit. Is this normal?

Here are a few pics of his pretty tail :)
Also.. he's a boy right? He was incubated for male, and I would feel awfully silly if I had been calling her a him this whole time. x)

So yeah! If anyone could tell me why he's starting to get that orange on the sides of his head and tail, and if that still means he's a tremper, that would be great! Thanks to anyone in advance! ^u^


New Member
We'd have to see his undersides to know if he's a boy or not. He looks big enough to sex accurately to me. I have a wild-type girl who had a little bit of orange at the base of her tail when I got her which has spread down the tail. She's het Diablo Blanco (blizzard, tremper, eclipse) and has some interesting patterns and faded spotting from that I think. From what I've seen, I think the trempers can get a little bit of the carrot tail-type stuff, though not always an official carrot tail. He's very attractive!


New Member
Atlanta, GA
Thank you very much! Oooh, okay awesome, that clears some things up about that then.
There is a second set of pics I included with a picture of his underside, was it not focused enough to be able to determine that?
I appreciate your time for feedback! :)


New Member
Oh I missed those! Hahaha. I'm not very good at sexing yet, so it's hard for me to tell. Maybe someone else with a bit more experience will be able to tell!


New Member
Southern California
HE has a good-sized tail for a juvie. As long as he's pooping, he's eating. I would also recommend getting yourself a gram scale to monitor his weight gain. I love looking at recent weights and comparing them to past dates. It helps to show how much they've grown/gained.

Such as Hank (my favorite gecko guy). When I first got him, he weighed 51g in January 2012. He now weighs 69g. But seeing him on a daily basis, he doesn't really look much different. Being able to compare those weights puts it into perspective. Also helps to show possible disease without seeing other symptoms.

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