Tropical Fruit Mix In by Zoo Med anyone try this?



Hi I was curious, the past few days I aquired an 8 month old Crested Gecko along with him came some crickets and the Crested Gecko Diet powder. I was told the powder could be mixed either with water or fruit baby food. A lot of people online seem to discourage the baby food but since I haven't bought any baby food I've been using water.

Saturday I went to ***** to buy some new reptile furniture and came across what is called Tropical Fruit Mix by Zoo Med. What it is is basically canned fruit mush that can be mixed in with either pellets or powdered formulas for species like the Crested Gecko. They had Red Banana, Mango, and Papapyus. I was tempted to buy a can and try to mix it in with the CGD powder instead of the water to add more variety but wanted some opinions on to see if it's a good idea.I would think that since this is made specifically for reptiles it would be a better choice then baby food which is made specifically for human babies. And it would bring more flavor then plain water. Yet I'm not sure if its real good stuff or if its just "junk" as I'm kind of new to feeding a fruity mixed diet rather then just feeding solely live crickets.

So has anyone try this stuff...any advice....? I've posted a link to the products if anyone wants a closer look..what does anyone think...???


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
If you want to add flavor you are better off with the two part CGD which allows you to combine the food base with different nectars to suit your gecko's preference. CGD is carefully balanced and has been finely tuned over the course of several years to meet the dietary requirements of Rhacs, why mess with a good thing?


Well I have the two parts CGD right now. I was wondering if it could be mixed in with the tropical fruit mix in or if it's best to stay with plain water or if there's anything else it can be mixed with.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
Hmm weird it cut out part of the link and the Xed out the name of the Pet's another link to the Fruit Mix In. The link to the mango one was a bit screwy.

the names of certain chain pet stores are blanked out for forum protection against accusations of slander.

Well I have the two parts CGD right now. I was wondering if it could be mixed in with the tropical fruit mix in or if it's best to stay with plain water or if there's anything else it can be mixed with.

If you want to add flavor you are better off with the two part CGD which allows you to combine the food base with different nectars to suit your gecko's preference. CGD is carefully balanced and has been finely tuned over the course of several years to meet the dietary requirements of Rhacs, why mess with a good thing?

Tony's quote says it best, better to leave a good thing alone. Just mix the CGD with water and if you use the 2 part diet try offering different flavours to add variety or insects once in a while. I use banana flavouring and all 6 of my cresties eat it and since my two new hatchlings will only be offered banana I guess they will too.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
Honestly I wouldnt use it, as suggest if you want to try something new, do the part 2 or you can consider using mango puree mixed with water then mixed with the CGD. You will still have the 2.1 ratio but the water part will be half water and half mango puree. But in all reality they enjoy the CGD, it has everything they need and since it lasts so long, you can always get several types of the part 2 flavoring keep it in the fridge and it will last about a year they you an always be able to offer your gecko a variety


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
Honestly I wouldnt use it, as suggest if you want to try something new, do the part 2 or you can consider using mango puree mixed with water then mixed with the CGD. You will still have the 2.1 ratio but the water part will be half water and half mango puree. But in all reality they enjoy the CGD, it has everything they need and since it lasts so long, you can always get several types of the part 2 flavoring keep it in the fridge and it will last about a year they you an always be able to offer your gecko a variety

just to add to darkridder's post get a rubbermaid or zip lock screw on cap container to help keep the diet as fresh as possible. I was tossing the diet a lot when I was keeping it in the bag, because the bags would get beat up and tear, spoiling the diet inside. Since switching to the sealed containers, its like opening a new bag of diet all the time. To make my life easier I mix my two part diet together and store it in the container premixed, that way all I have to do is scoop some diet into a souffle cup, add water, stir and serve.

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