Two Leopard Gecko Questions


Gecko Noob
I am getting my first Leaopard Gecko today or tomorrow. I already have his tank setup already. When I get him should I take him and put him in his tank? Also if I do this how long should I leave him in there? Also I will be traveling for 2 weeks to a beach and I will be staying in a condo while I am there should I take him with me? I have nobody to leave him with. I would appreciate the help! God Bless - Moefv


New Member
San Diego, CA
Sorry, this is probably a dumb question, but can you just buy the gecko when you get back? It would be better (less worrying) for you and better for the gecko (less stress).


New Member
I agree, waiting to get your gecko would be more ideal, but if that's not possible...

1) Yes, I would recommend putting your new leo into his tank as soon as you are able to. Then, give it plenty of time to settle in, try to avoid handling him/her for several weeks as this adds to the stress it will already be feeling.

2) I would just leave the gecko at home. Moving it again so soon will really stress it out. Just leave a bowl of mealworms and a bowl of water and he/she should be just fine. Even if it doesn't eat at all, 2 weeks will not harm it. Leos can go a very long time without eating and it will be healthier for him/her to go without food for a few weeks than it will be to take it with you.


Gecko Noob
I can't the reason why is when I come back from vacation my summer will be over and won't have any time to buy one because I will be busy. If I buy it now I can take care of it and not go through all the stress trying to see when I can buy one plus I already have everything setup for it. God Bless - Moefv


Gecko Noob
Just heard that my cousin can take care of him when I am gone! He used to have a few Leopard Geckos and knows how to care for them the problem is he is like a 30 minute to an hour drive to get to his house is this going to do anything to the Gecko? Stress him out or will he be fine if he stays with my cousin for two weeks?


New Member
I would take him to your cousins for a week. True, leaving the gecko alone for 2 weeks would be fine if it were an adult, but no a juvi cannot go 2 weeks without food, they eat alot and I would not consider this to be a good solution, definately take it to your cousins. My geckos often go on 4 hour car rides and its not a problem.


New Member
2 weeks without eating is a pretty common acclimation period. My newest juvi ate as soon as we brought her home, which is fantastic, but I've also had several juvis in the past that would not eat for 1-3 weeks until they were settled in. Now of course I don't condone not feeding your leo on a regular basis, but a one time situation is different, especially if a bowl of mealworms is left in the tank. This is assuming he's getting a juvi and not an adult since he doesn't state that.

My biggest concern is that you're going to get a leo that takes longer to settle in. Say, he doesn't eat before it's time for your trip, then you transport it to your cousin, which could delay it's eating even more.

Would it be possible for you to get your leo and take it straight to your cousin, and then pick it up after your trip? If it's in one location for several weeks, it should start eating, and then if it does go off food when you move it back to your place it shouldn't be a big deal since it will have recently eaten.

Now, if that's not possible and you get your leo and it eats right away, then I don't see anything wrong with taking it to your cousin right before your trip.


Gecko Noob
Actually I have decided to leave the tank all setup and when I get back from my trip I will buy one from a local breeder. That will be better off lets just hope I have time to get one when I get back :) thanks for the help guys. Also I didn't explain this clearly but I am leaving July 28 until August 12. So if I were to be getting my Leopard Gecko today It has two weeks to adapt before I take him with me, but I will buy him when I get back it will be better. God Bless - Moefv


New Member
Actually I have decided to leave the tank all setup and when I get back from my trip I will buy one from a local breeder. That will be better off lets just hope I have time to get one when I get back :) thanks for the help guys. Also I didn't explain this clearly but I am leaving July 28 until August 12. So if I were to be getting my Leopard Gecko today It has two weeks to adapt before I take him with me, but I will buy him when I get back it will be better. God Bless - Moefv

Glad to hear it, I really think that's the best choice you could have made given the situation. I bet you'll enjoy your trip alot more if you aren't worrying about your new leo :main_yes:


New Member
I can't the reason why is when I come back from vacation my summer will be over and won't have any time to buy one because I will be busy. If I buy it now I can take care of it and not go through all the stress trying to see when I can buy one plus I already have everything setup for it. God Bless - Moefv

Buying is probably the easiest part. If you won't have time to buy one after your summer vacation is over, would you have time to change his water, clean out his poop, and feed him everyday or every other day? Possibly for the next 10 years or maybe more?
Take him with you!! If you leave him he will drink all the water and eat all the food! Also don't get to males!!!! If you do because there territorial and do not tolerate presence of other males! I hope you love your leos!


New Member

Buying is probably the easiest part. If you won't have time to buy one after your summer vacation is over, would you have time to change his water, clean out his poop, and feed him everyday or every other day? Possibly for the next 10 years or maybe more?

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