um, hi


cats, dogs, lizards, etc.
Hello. Just thought i'd introduce myself. I am a young math-science-bio geek who lives in Central Texas and owns a multitude of varied pets. I have...
2 very fat cats, named dave (cat in avatar) and buster (a lazy white-orange striped ball of fat and fur).
1 dog, named rusty for his color, who is a mutt but not an ugly one.
P.S.- Buster:heart:Rusty
1 juvenile leopard gecko, the newest addition to my family. Named infinity for the sideways first yellow bar that looks like a figure eight.
1 Green Anole that I haven't named yet, considering calling him SunTan because he lies directly under the light all day.
2 unidentified frogs
2 Mediteranean geckos (I think)
1 betta

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