

lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
Just thought I would drop in and say hello.
Anybody left that might have missed me?

I have been living in, as the Chinese curse goes: "very interesting times"'.

Missed you guys!

This is one of my favorite geck-kids this year. Still trying to separate the stripes out from the Bell from the enigma (from Eureka, giant BSB enigma that was one of my first hansome of everyone soon).

Getting close, I think. ;}


New Member
United States
Gnarly gecko, mate. I hope to someday take on bells but I might go rainwater after my Tremper stuff. How many enigmas do you work with?

Sent via Tapatalk whilst caring for Eublepharis macularis'


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
Lessee...I have...71 leopard geckos,
6 adult enigmas, 5 females and 1 male.
7 unsexed enigma offspring this year.

That leaves 58 non-enigmas of various projects: bells, stripes, snows (and their combos), one LBS het RAPTOR pair, a few eclipses, regular tangerines, and my "earthtone" tangerine project. I also have my original high-yellow who will be 13 years old next year, and his son.

I am very well aware of the fallacies of enigmas and that by and large, most people feel that the W&Y morph "replaces" them. I know up-close-and-personal their high rates of failure-to-thrive and sometimes necessary culling (which in my case means removal from breeding, unless they cannot feed themselves or walk upright). I am one of the few nutters who believes given enough generations, it might be possible to breed them for more vigor. I also realize years from now I may be wrong and have to quit them.

The projects I am most looking forward to refining are my bell sunglows and snowglows,
BSBs, non-bell bold stripes & redstripes, and if I get superlucky, I might get LBS RAPTORs.

Thanks for the welcome back! I am almost wondering if anyone here still knows me, but that's okay. Life is change, after all. Looking forward to meeting more of you...mostly on the weekends. ;}

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