Unable to handle Gecko


New Member
I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to interact with my gecko? I became an owner over 2 weeks ago but I seem to be having problems with him getting used to me.

When I put my hand in the vivarium I slowly put it near him but he just stand still and won't move or investigate it. After a couple of minutes I slowly move my hand away & he doesn't seem to be alarmed by it moving, if I try putting my hand near him when he's outside of his hide’s he slightly raises and arches his back he doesn't seem to scream/hiss or run and when I remove my hand again he seems to relax again.

He has no problems when it comes to feeding he will hunt/chase his food while I'm near the tank and he explores around the vivarium and goes to the hot/cooler side when needed (thanks wireless IP camera!) when I’m not around & at night.

He seemed really active at the pet store I bought him from and had no apparent issues when the owner was interacting with him he seemed friendly and was calm so maybe he just doesn't like me :(.

The problem was I was persuaded to buy cal sand when I got my setup even after reading all about the bad things about it I still was pushed to buy the stuff and as a new owner you would tend to listen to those who have more experience. Now I want to change the cal sand to slate tiles but at the moment I am unable to get him out of his vivarium even when I try to lightly scoop him up he just struggles and runs away so instead of potently hurting him (and hating me even more) I allow him to escape. I’m a little worried that when it comes down to cleaning the vivarium or have to get him out as I’m going to be unable to remove him without really stressing him out.

He is just over a year and a half old and when I asked the owner about his health he hasn't any health problems, if anyone can advise it would be greatly appreciated.

Apologies for writing an essay!

Apologies for posting in the wrong sub forum I had multiple tabs up and created a new thread in the wrong tab >< would it be possible to move this into the correct sub?

Many thanks!
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New Member
San Antonio
Any type of new environment will stress geckos out, even moving them from one room to another. It will take him some time to settle down so patience is the key. If he's eating mealworms, do like I did and put one on your hand with your hand placed flat in the tank palm side up. He may not take to it right away, but he'll climb your hand for it given time. I would definitely switch to tile soon and as far as an easy way to take him out goes, get a plastic container with a lid and cut a hole in the side of it towards the top edge. Put some mealworms in there and put it in his tank. Once he goes inside, cover the hole with your hand then cover the hole with something else leaving enough room for air to get in and clean away!


New Member
Hi Lavodnas,
Thanks for your reply! I’ll certainly give your recommendations a try and see how it goes. I currently have a glass Exo Terra vivarium and he seems to get hypnotized when looking out, I’ve seen on many forums people cover the back and sides to make their gecko feel a little more secure in the vivarium. Would you recommend doing this or do you think it will confuse him more now that he’s been in the vivarium for over 2 weeks?


New Member
San Antonio
Mine does fine with the back and sides open but then again he's nosy and loves to watch tv too...lol. Each gecko is different though, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.


I tend to use the no-where-to-go-but-across-my-hand method when taming. I'll put my hand in the middle of the tank for a few days until they realize it's not going to eat them or anything, and then I'll slowly work towards moving my hand toward them over the next few days, and then finally I'll gently (and non-threateningly!) corner them in a way that if they want to go somewhere, they HAVE to walk over my hand. This is slowly worked into being lifted and bein moved. I don't ever do this when they are clearly afraid of me, as that just adds to the fear. I hope that made sence >.<


Ridgewood, NJ
I have a couple that are super awesome and friendly. They seem to love to explore and come out. I have a few that run for the hills every time i pick them up and no matter how gentle and kind I am they have not changed in the year or two I've had them. Sometimes it's just a matter of personality and may not have much to do with how hard you try :/

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