Underweight Rescue Gecko laid only one egg...egg bound or will she only lay one?


New Member
Alright so the title says it all, I rescued two females off of craigslist. Both females were under 40 grams. Today when cleaning out their moist hide I found a deflated egg. I'm worried there may be another. I've read up on being egg bound and I'm concerned that this could be the case...I'm attaching images to show as best I can what I'm seeing...
579299_10151832592799377_2083025035_n.jpg 524194_10151832589194377_938053805_n.jpg 527623_10151832588899377_956153438_n.jpg 7662_10151832588499377_455369688_n.jpg

SC Geckos

New Member
I don't see any more eggs in her belly from these pictures. Sometimes they only produce one egg instead of two. The bad part is that if she was bred, there is most likely more eggs coming. I can't really tell from the pictures if she is ovulating again to produce another clutch of eggs. Just makes sure she gets plenty of food/water and is provided a dish with a mix of vitamins and calcium in her enclosure. Give her about a week and check her belly again to see if any more eggs are starting to develop.

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