Undigested food


New Member
So I got my surface temp for my leo's at 88F there is a poop in their cage that has is made of undigested worms....In beardies this is a bad thing it means temps are low or a number of other problems. Is their surface temp to low? I dont want them to be sick.

Also I keep seeing people talk about putting little caps of calcium in the cage without D3... can someone explain that? Do I need to put that in there? I use repti/Phoenix worms which are the same thing and they are high in calcium and you are not supposed to dust them... If you would just give me a run down of what I need in the cage. i have a hot hide no moss in it a cool hide and a wet hide which is the only one with moss in it. Tile substrate, I have a day light but I was told to ditch that but I do use the night light is suddenly dropped in temp where I am and they need the night bulb. I also have a probe thermometer at the cool side and one in the hot hide plus an infrared thermometer which I test temps with. I have a UTH. Surface temp over UTH is 89.2F hot side air temp is 84F cool side is 81.0F
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Ridgewood, NJ
I think 89.5 is fine for a warm spot but I like my cool side to be around room temperature, 70-75. This way the gecko can find a temp that works for them. As for undigested food, it could mean something is off or it could mean your gecko overate. If it only happens once I wouldn't worry about it at all and chalk it up to a lesson learned (by the gecko). If it happens regularly I might consider a trip to the vet to check for internal parasites and/or anything else going on.


New Member
NE Ohio
I had that same problem when I tried feeding Reptiworms. I have no idea why.

I do not keep the calcium in the cage because I dust every feeding with Repashy leopard gecko calcium plus.


Ridgewood, NJ
I keep a small soda cap filled with Ca without D3 in my geckos cages. I think it's especially for younger geckos and those that are breeding but not a bad idea for all geckos. Ca isn't insanely expensive so worth it to me to play it safe.

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