unexpected eggs. can someone look at pics???

I bought three female geckos from a breeder 6 months ago. One is now over 2 and out of nowhere laid 2 eggs. I wasn't looking so I didn't find them for 2-3 days. They were soft and dented, after tons of research I incubated them and they plumped up fast. Here's my questionss: how long can a gecko retain sperm? I've had her 6 months. Also I've read a ton that people have yellow glowing eggs that hatch. I am 98% sure these are duds.... but I want to be 100% sure. They are a week old, how long before they "rot" if they're bad? There is also some brown spots and some brownish vein like areas, I read that the brown spots can be from not finding the eggs quickly. Basically at what point do I throw them out??? Thanks!

Can't get pics on thread but they are in my profile albums under "unexpected eggs"

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